Kelsey Lewis


picture of Kelsey Lewis.

Kelsey Lewis


Kelsey Lewis



Gender, bodies, biology, and health, particularly in the realm of feminist biology; binary sex vs. feminist paradigms in science and medicine

Education and Postdoctoral Training

PhD, University of Florida, 2020

Wittig Postdoctoral Fellow in Feminist Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Selected Publications

Sharpe, S. L., Anderson, A. P., Cooper, I., James, T. Y., Kralick, A. E., Lindahl, H., Lipshutz, S. E., McLaughlin, J. F., Subramaniam, B., Weigel, A. R., & Lewis, A. K. (2023). Sex and Biology: Broader Impacts Beyond the Binary. Integrative and Comparative Biology.

Lewis, A. K., & Sharpe, S. L. (2023). Sex, Science, And Society: Reckonings And Responsibilities for Biologists. Integrative and Comparative Biology.