Recent Graduate Alumni

Our graduate alumni have devised all sorts of different career paths for themselves post-graduation. From academia and optometry to foreign service, office administration and architecture, our impressive doctoral and master's alumni take their second language proficiency with them wherever they go.

Fall 2024-Summer 2025

  • Samantha Schifano, "Voices of Creative Feminine Resistance: Amplifying Feminine Rebellion within Women's Creative Works in the Francophone and Kreyòl-Speaking World" (Prof. Laura Chiesa), 2024.
    Current Position: English Language Instructor, Williamsville Central Schools, Williamsville, NY.

Fall 2023-Summer 2024


  • Alex Bakke, "The Instruction of Discourse Markers in the Spanish L2 Classroom: Considerations and Implications" (Prof. Colleen Balukas), 2024.
    Current Position: Visiting Lecturer of Spanish, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA.
                                 Assistant Professor of Spanish, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA (Fall 2025).
  • Eva Flores Romero, "Representación y ubicación: análisis de la mujer trans en Cambio de sexo (1977), Todo sobre mi madre (1999), y Una mujer fantástica (2017)" (Prof. Elizabeth Scarlett), 2023.
    Current Position: Spanish Teacher and Language Department Leader, Odyssey Academy, Greece Central School District, NY.
  • Marietta Fernández López, "(Des)encuentros barrocos: itinerarios emancipatorios y horizontes ecopoéticos en tres novelas hispano-caribeñas" (Prof. David Castillo), 2024.
    Current Position: Adjunt Faculty, Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY.
  • Zurisaday Getty Moreno, "The Role of Literature in the Fight for Individual Liberty: Transatlantic writers for freedom in Cuba and Spain" (Prof. Elizabeth Scarlett), 2024.
    Current position: Upper School Spanish Teacher, the Oakridge School, Arlington, TX.


  • Amelia Gayle, "Women, Instruments, and Techniques of Touch in Diderot, Sand, and Cixous" (Prof. Fernanda Negrete), 2024.
    Current Position: French Teacher, Nardin Academy, Buffalo, NY.
  • Marie Dufay-Verbié, "Rires Sinistres : Éthique et esthétique d’une praxis de résistance de l’ère postrévolutionnaire à nos jours" (Prof. Christian Flaugh), 2024.
    Current Position: Visiting Assitant Professor of French, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA.
  • Paulin Toutché, "Violence, équilibre et vodun-vodou: Les quêtes de la terre et du pain entre les Afriques et les Caraïbes" (Prof. Christian Flaugh), 2024.

Fall 2021-Summer 2022


  • Beatriz Llugany, "Hauntings and the Fantastic Works of Cristina Fernández Cubas" (Prof. Elizabeth Scarlett), 2022.
    Current Position: Spanish Teacher (retired), Canisius High School, Buffalo, NY.
  • Diana Cortés-Evans, “El mártir político como narración nacional y cultural en la literatura del siglo XX” (Prof. Justin Read), 2022.
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, Ashland University.


  • Ashley Byczkowski. "Feminine Selfhood: Mothers and Daughters in Francophone Women’s Life-Writing (1827-2001)" (Prof. Jean-Jacques Thomas), 2022.
    Current position: Assistant Professor of French, Niagara University.
  • Guillaume Yoboué, "Africana Faith Dramas: Religion, Community, and the Francophone Theaters of Africa and the Caribbean" (Prof. Christian Flaugh), 2022.
    Current position: French and Kiswahili/African Culture Teacher, Rochester City School District.

Fall 2020- Summer 2021


  • Elham Dehghanipour, "Rethinking Dualities: Reading Male and Female Bodies across East and West in Marguerite Duras, Assia Djebar and Shirin Neshat" (Prof. Fernanda Negrete), August 2021.
    Current Position:  Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Department of Classical & Modern Languages, Austin College, Sherman, TX.
  • Benoit Ngolo, "Mariage précoce ou prématuré dans certains textes représentatifs de la littérature africaine.  Comment la littérature doit-elle traiter cette practique sociale établie?" (Prof. Jean-Jacques Thomas), September 2021.
    Current Position:  Adjunct Professor, World Languages and Cultures, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC.
  • Geneviève Oliveira, "The Authentic Trickster:  Québecois conteurs in the Era of Globalization" (Prof. Amy Graves Monroe), June 2021.
    Current Position: Senior Lecturer/French Language Program Coordinator: Dartmouth College
  • Matthew Skrzypczyk, "Queer Worlding:  Global Making of Sexual Citizens Across Francophone Literary, Visual, and Film Arts" (Prof. Christian Flaugh), August 2021.
    Current Position:  Lecturer, Oberlin College


  • Joëlle Carota, "The Italo-Venezuelan Community of Pescara (Italy): A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Spanish in Contact with Italian" (Prof. Wolfgang Wolck), August 2021.
    Current Position:  Visiting Assistant Professor ofltalian, Nazareth University 
  • Yuting Jia, "El significado de los objetos en la narrativa contemporánea de España" (Prof. Colleen Culleton), June 2021.
    Current Position:  Lecturer, Northwestern University