Undergraduate Overview

French Club members engage in bagette fencing on a sunny afternoon.

French Club members engage in some friendly baguette fencing near Lake LaSalle on UB's North Campus

Undergraduate students in the UB Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (RLL) develop one of the most sought-after skills in today's complex, global society: the ability to speak a foreign language. 

The Learning Environment

Beginning on the first day of class, every session is taught in the target language. Within this highly immersive and interactive learning environment, students quickly achieve the proficiency and confidence to speak in front of others. The RLL curriculum emphasizes language mastery as well as the development of analytical skill, literary interpretation and cultural competence. Current events, whether in Marseilles or Mexico City, Rome or Quebec, provide a focal point for every course.

In our introductory language classes, instructors model usage and pronunciation while students repeat and practice until the new pattern is learned. As students move through the curriculum, their participation evolves: students perform original skits and scenes from established dramatic works, and in advanced classes they present their research findings and respond to feedback, always in the target language.

By limiting class size, engaging award-winning faculty and fostering opportunities for study abroad and other experiential learning activities, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures ensures that undergraduate students leave UB equipped with the technical and cultural skills necessary to flourish in their chosen fields

Undergraduate Fields of Study

  • French: Major or Minor
    Learn about the language, literature and culture of French-speaking world regions: Algeria, Congo, France, Haiti, Quebec, Senegal, Switzerland and more.
  • Italian: Major or Minor
    Learn about the language, literature and culture of Italian-speaking world regions: Argentina, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, the United States and more.
  • Spanish: Major or Minor
    Learn about the language, literature and culture of Spanish-speaking world regions: Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, the United States and more.

Academic Advisement

Learn More About RLL