Anne E. Berger


Anne E. Berger.

Anne E. Berger


Anne E. Berger


Distinguished Visiting Professor of French
Melodia E. Jones Endowed Chair

Scholarly Interests

Gender and sexuality theory; Western intellectual history; psychoanalysis; deconstruction today; philosophy and politics of language; translation theory; animal studies and ecocriticism; postcolonial studies; 19th-century French poetry and poetics; women writers; Enlightenment literature and philosophy


  • Habilitation à diriger des recherches, University of Paris 8, 1999
  • PhD, French Literature, University of Paris 8, 1990
  • Agrégation de Lettres Modernes, 1981
  • MA, French Literature, University of Paris 8, 1979

Research Areas

  • The Language Politics of Feminism(s)
  • Contemporary Maternities
  • Gender and/in Translation
  • The Intellectual History of Western Modernity and Postmodernity
  • Trauma theory and cultural politics

Current Research

  • The End of Sexuality (a book in progress on the exhaustion of “sexuality” as a concept and a cultural paradigm)
  • Reading and its Discontents
  • Voice and “Sextuality”: Derrida’s Erotics of Deconstruction
  • Topolitics of “safe spaces”

Selected Publications


  • The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identity, Sexuality, and the Theater of Gender; trans. Catherine Porter. NY: Fordham University Press, 2014 (originally published in French; translated in Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Demenageries: Thinking (of) Animals After Derrida. Edited with Marta Segarra, Critical Studies, Rodopi, 2011. (256p.)
  • Genre et postcolonialismes. Dialogues transcontinentaux. Edited with Eleni Varikas. Paris:  Archives Contemporaines, 2011. (248p.)
  • Scènes d'aumône. Misère et Poésie au XIXe s. Paris: Champion, 2004. (260p.)
  • Algeria in Others' Languages. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002. (246p.)
  • Le Banquet de Rimbaud. Recherches sur l'oralité. Seyssel : Champ-Vallon, France, Coll. L'or d'Atalante. Spring 1992. (287 p.)

Special issues

  • Le Genre de la traduction.  De genere. Rivista di studi letterari, postcoloniali e di genere. A special issue co-edited with Giuseppe Sofo, Spring 2020 [The journal is tri-lingual: Italian, English and French].
  • Transatlantic Gender Crossings. A special issue of Differences. A Journal of Feminist Cultural Theory, co-edited with Eric Fassin, Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.

Recent Articles, Book chapters, Interviews

  • “Malaise dans la lecture”. In La littérature sans condition. Sous la direction d’Isabelle Alfandary. Lormont: Editions Le Bord de l’eau, 2021. 227-246
  • “Ecrire le corps au temps du MLF”. In Le Genre en littérature. Les reconfigurations Masculin/Féminin du Moyen-âge à l’extrême contemporain. Sous la direction de Marie-Françoise Berthu-Courtivron et Fabienne Pomel. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020. 329-350
  • “Subject of Desire/ Subject of Feminism. Some Notes on the Split Subject(s) of #Me Too”, in #Me Too: A Routledge Handbook, Giti Chandra and Irma J. Erlingsdóttir eds, London and New-York, 2020. 55-64
  • “L’invention de l’écriture feminine” (version complète) et “Economie libidinale”, Dictionnaire multilingue du Genre en Traduction, IRN World Gender/ UMR LEGS, Fall 2020
  • “The Baltimore Effect: The Testimony of a Practitioner of Literary and Gender Studies”. Modern Language Notes 134 (2019). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. 871-877.

Courses Taught

Graduate Seminars (a selection)

  • Theories of Embodiment in the 20th and 21st centuries (Northwestern)
  • How does one think of “the body” in Gender Studies? (Paris 8)
  • Derrida and the Idiom of Sexual Difference (Paris 8)
  • Psychoanalysis and Gender Theory (Paris 8)
  • Philosophy and Politics of the “Mother tongue”
  • Fiction, Femininity, Orient: on the 18th-century orientalist novel (Cornell University and Paris 8)
  • Poetry and Poverty (Cornell University)

Recent Grants and Awards

  • Prime d'encadrement et de recherche (Bonus for Excellence in Research and Advising), National Council for the Universities (France) 2019-2023
  • Promotion to the highest level of the “classe exceptionnelle” of professors (Distinguished Professor), National Council for the Universities (France), Spring 2018
  • Awarded the Légion d'Honneur (rank of "Chevalier"), highest French National Distinction for public services and professional accomplishments, 2015
  • Promotion to the "classe exceptionnelle" of professors (Distinguished Professor), Université Paris 8, Spring 2014