Kelly Aldinger Wins 2017 UB Study Abroad Photo Competition

Kelly's winning photo of Machu Picchu.

Congratulations to Kelly! Her photo of Machu Picchu won the 2017 UB Study Abroad Photo Competition in the architecture category, and was selected as the overall winner of the five categories (landscape, architecture, local life, creativity and UB Abroad).

Other RLL entrants were:

Kayleigh Brandstetter – Spanish Major
Carly Connor- Spanish Minor
Daniel Courteau – Spanish Minor
Erinn Grover – Spanish Minor
Rachana Joshi – French Minor
Lauren Kacherski – Spanish Major
Anthony Malloni – Spanish Major
Liam McMahon – Spanish Major
Andrea ModicaAmore – Italian Major
Allison Novy – Spanish Minor
Samantha Ventimiglia – Italian Major

See all of the entries on UB’s Study Abroad Facebook page.