Aris Moreno Clemons Guest Lecture Thursday March 9, 2020

Aris Moreno Clemons.

University of Texas at Austin PhD Candidate Aris Clemons Moreno will present Benefits vs Burdens:  A raciolinguistic analysis of World Language Mission Statements and Testimonios of Bilingualism in the US  on Thursday March 9 at 3pm, 200G Baldy Hall.

Aris is a scholar of raciolinguistics, a branch of sociolinguistics that examines how language practices contribute to the making of ethno-racial identity. Her dissertation critically analyzes the ways in which racial and linguistic profiling affect Dominican-born and Dominican-origin pupils in classroom spaces. Aris interprets students’ identities and language use, as well as teachers’ evaluative judgments and larger institutional practices through the analytical lens of raciolinguistics. “I think it is important to consider processes of racialization that happen through everyday implicit acts that occur under the level of consciousness,” Aris explains.

The event is co-sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and the Department of Linguistics.