You can reach more than 50,000+ patrons annually with your philanthropic arts support!

Dancer in mid-air.

UB Theatre and Dance produces an annual season of a musicals, dramas, dance concerts & special events run by and starring our students. With majors in Music Theatre, Theatre Performance, Dance, and Design / Technology, dozens of graduates enter into professional performing arts careers each year!


Rob Falgiano

(716) 645-6921


· Sponsor Logo with link to your website prominently featured for full season of Department email blasts. (Minimum of 10 emails, reaching 7,500—10,000 total recipients).

· Verbal and visual logo recognition at the start of EVERY performance during pre-show audience welcome. (Total of 60+ performances, reaching approximately 6,500 patrons.)

· Sponsor will be recognized with a full-page promotion in all 20 season digital and print playbills.

· Minimum 50 Social Media sponsor acknowledgement posts (Facebook, Threads, Instagram) for all season productions,  reaching up to 4,000 followers PER post!

· Sponsor logo with website link on each event page of the UB Theatre and Dance website.

· Sponsor mention in THD news releases posted on the UB News website. (Extra reach beyond emails for added value.)

· Sponsor logo on season brochure.

· Backstage tours and/or talkbacks with creative faculty/staff can be provided upon request.

· Autographed posters and photographs with cast can be provided for most productions upon request.


· Sponsor Logo with link to your website prominently featured for half of the season of Department email blasts. (Minimum of 5 emails, reaching 3,750—5,000 total recipients).

· Verbal and visual logo recognition at the start of half of the performances during the 2024-2025 season. (Total of 30+ performances, reaching approximately 3,250 patrons.)

· Sponsor will be recognized with a half-page promotion in all 20 season digital and print playbills.

· Minimum 25 Social Media sponsor acknowledgement posts (Facebook, Threads, Instagram) for half of season productions.

· Sponsor logo with website link on each event page of the UB Theatre and Dance website.

· Sponsor logo on season brochure.


· Sponsor Logo with link to your website prominently featured in one Department email blasts. (Approximately 1000 recipients).

· Sponsor will be recognized with a half-page promotion in one season digital and print playbill.

· Minimum 3 Social Media sponsor acknowledgement posts (Facebook, Threads, Instagram) for one season production.

· Sponsor logo with website link for one event page on the UB Theatre and Dance website.