Check your syllabus to find the best way to communicate with your professors.
*Bonus tip: Be clear and professional in all of your communications.
Start your work well before the due date.
*Bonus tip: Do not wait to contact your professor if an issue arises!
Student Life Gateway. Explore studying tips, career advice, health, wellness, UB Blue Table and emergency fund information.
Studying is a part of your job as an online student. Commit to your studies as seriously as you would commit to your career.
Use a designated space for studying. Turn off social media and focus completely on your studies.
The staff and faculty at UB are here to help you. Contact advisement, your department, counseling services, accessibility resources and tutoring for assistance.
In online classes, virtual discussions take place to help you. The more you participate in the conversation, the more you will learn.
Study at the same time, in the same place each day to make studying habitual.
Take advantage of all that UB Learns, the UBIT Help Center and University Libraries have to offer.
*Bonus tip: Get your classmates phone numbers. This will help you stay on track, have contacts in case of technical issues and make new friends!
Taking notes by hand can help you better retain information. Remember flashcards?
*Bonus tip: Use UB’s resources for time management and study skills.
Take regular breaks, and be mindful about how long your break is. Five minutes is enough to recharge. Netflix will be there when you’re done!