Latest News

  • SPEAK OUT! Featured in live stream
    Our SPEAK OUT! Therapy & Research Center was featured on the Parkinson Voice Project live stream today! 
  • Civic Engagement Research Fund Grant
    The SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center of New York, headed by Laura Roberts and Kaila Stipancic, PhD., in the department of Communicative Disorders & Sciences has been awarded the University at Buffalo Civic Engagement Research Fund Grant, which supports research that advances community-based research and scholarship.
  • Activities over the weekend 9/23/23
    The graduate and undergraduate students in the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences participated in two fundraisers over the weekend.
  • Welcome Jessica Huber and Brendan Fitzgerald
    We are excited to welcome two UB alums back as faculty in our department: Jessica Huber and Brendan Fitzgerald. 
  • Alumna Major Virginia Best Bailey speaks with AuD students
    Major Virginia Best Bailey is an AuD alumna. She was the first graduate our the combined AuD/MBA program, and the first president of the national Student Academy of Audiology. She completed her fourth-year externship at Walter Reed Military Hospital. She continues to serve as an Army Audiologist and recruiter. 
  • UB Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Clinic awarded Parkinson Voice Project grant
    The Parkinson Voice Project has selected the University at Buffalo Audiology & Speech-Language Hearing Clinic as New York state’s first “SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center.”
  • UB Alumna Dr. Jennifer Baumann presented "Listen Up! Protect Your Hearing!"
    The Hearing Evaluation Services of Buffalo and the UB Student Academy of Audiology sponsored the "Listen Up! Protect Your Hearing!" program on March 11th.
  • Nichol Castro quoted in Buffalo News article on Kim Pegula's expressive aphasia
    Kim Pegula, president and co-owner of the Bills and Sabres, experienced a cardiac arrest in June 2022. Her daughter, Jessica Pegula, recently shared news that Kim is currently dealing with expressive aphasia. Dr. Nichol Castro provided context for what is expressive aphasia, how it could come about in Kim's case, and the prognosis for recovery.
  • Welcome Dr. Kaila Stipancic
    We are excited to welcome Dr. Kaila Stipancic as Assistant Professor in our department. 
  • UB receives NSF grant for AI Institute; Dr. Hendricks is the Validation of Impacts Lead
    The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded UB a $20 million grant to fund the National AI Institute for Exceptional Education, led by the University at Buffalo and in collaboration with 8 other institutions.