Clinical Psychology

Dr. Becky Ashare's ENABLE Lab.

Clinical Psychology is a sub-discipline within the broader field of psychology devoted to the understanding, measurement and treatment of psychological distress and dysfunction. 

Samantha Johnstone in Hawk Behavioral Health Lab.

In the Clinical Psychology Area of UB’s Department of Psychology, our work focuses largely on understanding factors that may lead to psychological distress, and how such distress may be alleviated through prevention, intervention and treatment. Some of the topics that we study are how people experience and manage emotion and affect, how social and interpersonal relationships contribute to psychological outcomes, and the development and treatment of addictive behaviors.

We use many approaches to address our research questions, including laboratory, field-based and longitudinal survey methods. In our work, many of us adopt a developmental perspective, examining how risk for hazardous psychological outcomes may emerge early in life, and unfold across adolescence and into adulthood.