Research Interests: Substance use in medical (HIV, cancer) and psychiatric (depression, serious mental illness) comorbidities; cannabis use for symptom management; serious illness communication
Research Interests: Hierarchical models of personality; measurement of personality; assessment of interpersonal relationships, particularly dating and marital relationships
Research Interests: Sensorimotor integration in sequence production; singing accuracy; the role of auditory feedback in production; the relationship between music and language
Research Interests: Contributors and consequences of harmful drinking; intersection of trauma (including sexual trauma) and substance use; PTSD-alcohol use disorder comorbidity
Research Interests: Psychosocial and cognitive processes in risk for depression; impact of physical environment including green space, air pollutants and ambient temperature on mental health
Research Interests: Social context and peer socialization of depression, self-injury, and suicide; interpersonal behavior; ethics and professional training issues
Research Interests: Neural basis of attention, cognition, and cognitive control in healthy and impaired individuals; clinical neurophysiology; clinical and experimental neuropsycholgy
Research Interests: Applied and basic psychological assessment; dimensional models of personality and psychopathology; item response theory applications to personality measures and computerized adaptive testing
Research Interests: Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments for children; parenting; child maltreatment; disruptive behavior disorders