The UB Biological Sciences Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) gives students from across the U.S. the chance to take part in exciting, cutting edge research activities to match their interests from a broad spectrum of biology. REU is made possible by proceeds from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Program, Understanding the Rules of Life.
Applications for 2025 are now closed. Please check back for information on future program offerings.
The program takes place in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University at Buffalo. It is an 8-week summer program in which students work alongside a faculty mentor on a research project from one of four research themes:
Student participants are matched with a faculty mentor who will guide them through the research process. All students participating in the program take part in weekly workshops and social activities aimed at enhancing research skills, informing career decisions and offering networking opportunities.
Applicants should be:
Minorities underrepresented in STEM, first generation college students and students attending non-research focused institutions are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications for 2025 are now closed. Please check back for information on future program offerings.
Please note: Your application must be received by 5:00 p.m. on or before the due date, for full consideration in the first round of offers for the summer program. Applications received after that deadline may still be considered but will be placed on a wait-list.
Questions about the program should be directed to the program coordinator, Dr. Heather Williams
Themes: Genome structure, evolution and expression
Current research in the Baiz Lab uses molecular tools to study the origin of biodiversity and the genetic basis of adaptive traits, like plumage coloration. We are also interested in factors that shape symbiotic communities associated with avian hosts, and in particular, how the microbiome impacts host fitness. Students projects can involve field work and sample collection, DNA extraction and PCR, and data analysis.
Themes: Biological Education Research
Students in the Costello Lab will conduct research projects exploring how to teach undergraduate biology courses more effectively and equitably. Student projects can evaluate how to feature diverse scientist role models in biology courses, address how human biases shape scientific knowledge creation, teach quantitative skills in biology courses, among other topics based on student interests. These projects may include curricular design, survey development, textual analyses, quantitative analyses, and scientific writing.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression; Using fungi to understand cellular processes; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Paul Cullen's students will study microbiology, genetics, and molecular biology approaches to learn about the regulation of a specific developmental response in yeast called filamentous growth. Based on the student's interest, a project will be developed to understand how biochemical regulatory pathways, including signal transducing pathways, control changes to cell shape, polarity, and adhesion in this genetic system. Diverse approaches can be taken to address this problem based on the student's interests, expertise, and questions posed.
Themes: Neuronal physiology in health and disease, Using model organisms to address human problems
Research in the Daniels Lab focuses on the neural mechanisms involved in the control of drinking and eating. Thirst and hunger are critical drives that ensure animals maintain appropriate levels of hydration and energy, respectively. Disruptions in fluid and energy homeostasis are associated with a variety of disease states including, but not limited to, hypertension and obesity. Two specific areas of interest include: 1) understanding the separate but overlapping circuits that control hunger and thirst, especially with respect to the role played by glucagon-like peptide-1 in drinking and feeding; and 2) using the enhanced response to repeated bouts of thirst as a model system to understand circuits that incorporate learning into the control of ingestive behavior.
Themes: Neuronal physiology in health and disease; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Denise Ferkey's students will learn genetic, molecular, behavioral and computational approaches to understanding how animals sense chemical stimuli (odorants and tastants) in their environment. Using a large set of wild C. elegans strains, students will examine natural variation in chemosensory behaviors between geographically and reproductively isolated populations of C. elegans to help inform our understanding of how nervous system function is influenced by genotype and environment.
Themes: Using fungi to understand cellular processes
Steve Free's student projects will focus on the topic of fungal cell wall formation. The fungal cell wall structure is unique to the fungi and an excellent target for the development of anti-fungal agents. Students will investigate how cell wall glycoproteins are incorporated into the wall structure, how these glycoproteins function within the wall, and how their activities are controlled.
Themes: Neuronal physiology in health and disease; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Shermali Gunawardena's students will gain hands-on experience using Drosophila genetics, in vivo imaging coupled with cell biological tools to examine mechanisms of intracellular transport within neurons and how this pathway is disrupted in human neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's disease.
Themes: Genome structure, evolution and expression
Research in the Koudelka Lab is focused around two central themes. Firstly, the lab works to uncover details of how amino acids and base pairs interact and how these interactions can be regulated by both protein and DNA structure. In indirect readout, sequence-dependent differences in the structure of noncontacted bases in a DNA binding site regulate the sequence-specificity of a DNA-protein complex. The lab is determining the structural basis for and implications of the indirect readout mechanism used by DNA binding proteins. Secondly, the lab studies the evolution of bacteriophage-encoded exotoxins. Specifically the lab explores the hypothesis that ecotoxins are part of an antipredator defense mechanism.
Themes: Community ecology in freshwater environments
Corey Krabbenhoft's students will focus on community ecology in freshwater environments to support conservation and management. This may include lab work (processing water samples, identifying organisms, etc.), field work (collection of water and invertebrate or fish samples), and data analysis and/or writing.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression.
Trevor Krabbenhoft's student projects are focused on fish evolutionary and ecological genomics. Students will have the opportunity to use both web lab (DNA or RNA sequencing) and dry lab (bioinformatic analysis) techniques.
Themes: Genome structure, evolution and expression
Charlotte Lindqvest's student research projects will focus on plant evolutionary genomics, either working on ancient DNA from lake sediments or modern/historical plant samples, to conduct paleogenetic surveys of lake sediments in Southeast Alaska or genome assembly and phylogenomic reconstruction of flowering plant evolution. Students will have the opportunity to use both wet lab (DNA extraction and sequencing) and bioinformatic analysis techniques.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression
Vincent Lynch’s students may work on projects including the evolution of cancer resistance in large, long-lived species such as elephants, whales, bats, and Galapagos tortoises, and the evolution of pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes (infertility, preterm birth) in humans.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression; Using fungi to understand cellular processes.
Current work in the Rusche Lab uses multiple yeast species to explore how organisms evolve new, adaptive responses to low-nutrient stress. The summer REU student will identify genes induced when the metabolite NAD+ is low. Laboratory techniques will include standard molecular biology approaches, yeast genome editing, and analysis of genome-wide sequencing data.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression; Using fungi to understand cellular processes; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Sarah Walker's students will address how yeast adapt their protein synthesis programs to combat changes in cellular environment. The lab studies mRNA control in yeast and mouse models for breast cancer in an effort to combat human disease. Students will use molecular biology, biochemistry, next generation sequencing, and biophysical techniques to address these microbiological questions.
Themes: Using model organisms to solve human problems.
Zhen Wang's summer students may choose between projects aimed at identifying genes responsible for the biosynthesis of digoxin, a heart medicine, in foxglove plants, and projects aimed at developing a microbial system for optimized production of valuable terpenoids.
Themes: Neuronal physiology in health and disease; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Student research projects in the Xu-Friedman Lab revolve around understanding how auditory nerve synapses change with activity. Projects may include learning the basics of recording activity in neurons, studying structure of synapses using fluorescence and electron microscope techniques, and introducing genes into auditory neurons to influence their function.
Themes: Genome structure evolution and expression; Using fungi to understand cellular processes; Using model organisms to address human problems.
Michael Yu's summer student will take on a project that addresses the role of protein arginine methylation in regulating eukaryotic gene expression. They will learn to implement a combination of molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics approaches to accomplish this project. In addition, the student will learn how to read scientific literature, participate in group discussion, and practice giving scientific presentations.