Peter Balogh is a 2020-2021 UB College Ambassador for the Department of Economics and is preparing to pursue a Masters in Economics while also minoring in Media Studies. As a College Ambassador, he was nominated by the faculty of the Department of Economics to represent the university and serve as a source of information for current and prospective students!
Peter Balogh
Why did you choose economics?
PB: I chose Economics as I have always been interested in the way people spend their money and time. When I was younger, I would get my mom to buy me fruit roll-ups and I would take them to school and see what people could trade me. Some days I would get $1, some days I would get a cookie, and some days I would eat it myself if there was nothing that intrigued me (or there was no market). I guess you can say it’s always been in me.
Which class in the major has been your favorite and why?
PB: 380/480 for sure; They were the most demanding, but also the most rewarding. It’s really interesting to see real world examples of markets and research and statistically analyze them to find some clues and make a causal inference on why these things are occurring.
Which class outside the major has been your favorite and why?
PB: DMS 121 (Basic Digital Arts) was definitely my favorite class outside of the Econ Department. It taught me how to use computer software (i.e. Photoshop, etc.) to make interesting and cool pictures and let my creativity flow. I use what I have learned in that class to this day. Now I am following a minor in Digital Media Study as well.
Fast Facts
What is your top piece of advice for students in the economics major?
PB: Talk to your “elders”, college ambassadors, and academic advisors. Try to figure out what else you can accomplish with your 4 years here at UB. For me it was the discovery that I could graduate in 3 years (with some outside credits) and get a minor in DMS all while staying on track for my major, and even having some time for electives that I want to take (like Russian, for example). UB has a lot of resources and tools to get you where you want to go, but you have to do some digging to find the sprinkles to put on top of your experience and resumé.
What is one thing that you recommend students do while at UB?
PB: Join clubs (or create them), network, and most importantly EXPLORE. Now is a good of a time as ever to taste a bunch of different things and see what you are really interested and passionate about.