PhD, Biological Oceanography, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami – 1988
Recent Publications
Neal, BP, Khen, A, Treibitz, T, Beijbom, O, O’Conner, G, Coffroth, MA, Knowlton, N, Kreigman, D, Mitchell, BG, Kline, DI. Eight-year time series indicates Caribbean massive corals not recovering from repeated thermal stress events. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1339–1353 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2706
Poland, DM and Coffroth, MA Trans-generational specificity within a cnidarian-algal symbiosis. Coral Reefs 36:119-129 DOI 10.1007/s00338-016-1514-0
McIlroy, SE and Coffroth, MA. Coral ontogeny affects early symbiont acquisition in laboratory reared recruits. Accepted Coral Reefs.
Grupstra CGB, Coma R, Ribes M, Posbic-Leydet K, Parkinson JE, McDonald K, Catllà M, Vooltra CR, Hellberg ME, Coffroth MA. Evidence for coral range expansion accompanied by reduced symbiont diversity. Accepted Coral Reefs
Gregoire V, Schmacka F. Coffroth MA, Karsten U. Photophysiological and thermal tolerance of various genotypes of the coral endosymbiont Symbiodinium sp. (Dinophyceae) Journal of Applied Phycology (2017) DOI 10.1007/s10811-017-1127-1
McIlroy, SE, Kleuter, Gillette, P, Cunning, R, Capo, T, Baker, A and Coffroth, MA The effects of Symbiodinium identity on growth, survival and photosynthesis of newly settled polyps. J. Phycol. 52:1114-1124
Parkinson, JE, Coffroth, MA, LaJeunesse, TC. New species of clade B Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) from the greater Caribbean belong to different functional guilds: S. aenigmatum sp. nov., S. antillogorgium sp. nov., S. endomadracis sp. nov., and S. pseudominutum sp. nov. J. Phycol- 51: 850–858 (2015)
Klueter, A., Crandall, J.B., Archer, F.I., Teece, M.A., Coffroth, M.A. Taxonomic and environmental variation in metabolite profiles in marine dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. Metabolites 5:74-99 doi:10.3390/metabo5010074 (2015)