Timothy Chevral


Tim Chevral.

Timothy Chevral


Timothy Chevral


Research Areas

Political ecology; historical ecology; shared governance; conflict and conflict resolution; past and present urban sustainability, marginal lands and occupational pluralism; historical archaeology; landscape archaeology; archaeological chemistry; regional analysis.


  • PhD, Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Recent Publications

Timothy J Chevral publishes under the name T L Thurston.


  • Crumley, C. L., Hritz, C., Isendahl, C., Lucero, L. J, Meunier, J; Murphy, J. T., Nijhuis, S., Ostovar, P., Scarborough, V. L., Sulas, F., Thurston, T. L. 2022. If the Past Teaches, What Does the Future Learn? I: Ancient Urban Regions and the Durable Future. Delft: TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.
  • Thurston, T. L. and Fernandez-Götz, M. (eds). 2021 Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Thurston, T. L. and Roderick B. Salisbury (eds.) 2009. Re-imagining Regional Analyses: The Archaeology of Spatial and Social Dynamics CSP, Cambridge.
  • Thurston, T. L. and Christopher T. Fisher (eds.) 2007. Seeking A Richer Harvest: The Archaeology of Subsistence Intensification, Innovation and Change Human Ecology and Adaptation Book Series. Springer Scientific Publishing New York.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2001. Landscapes of power, landscapes of conflict: state formation in the South Scandinavian Iron Age. Springer Scientific, New York.

Articles and Book Chapters

  • Thurston, T. L. and Pettersson, C. 2024. Old cities, 'new' agendas: Swedish cities across time. in Hawken, S., Barthel, S., Isendahl, C. & Strickland, K. (eds) Long-Term Intergenerational Perspectives on Urban Sustainability Transitions Special edition: Urban Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0042098023122021 
  • Thurston, T. L. 2023. Regions, groups, and identity: An intellectual history. in Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age, Haselgrove, C., Rebay-Salisbury, K , and Wells, P. S. (eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1079–1102. Physical book published; previously published at Oxford Online 
  • Thurston, T. L. 2022. Reversals of fortune: Shared governance, “democracy,” and reiterated problem-solving in Feinman, G. M., Blanton, R.E., Kowalewski, S. A. & Fargher, L. (eds) Origins, Foundations, Sustainability and Trip Lines of Good Governance: Archaeological and Historical Considerations. Special edition: Frontiers in Political Science
  • Thurston, T. L. & Fernández-Götz, M. 2021. Power from Below in the Archaeological Record: Trends and Trajectories. In Thurston, T. L. & Fernandez-Götz, M. (eds). Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-39.
  • Thurston, T. L. & Fernández-Götz, M. 2021. Restoring Disorder: Thoughts on the Past and Future of a Politically and Socially Conscious Archaeology. In Thurston, T. L. & Fernandez-Götz, M. (eds). Power from Below in Premodern Societies: The Dynamics of Political Complexity in the Archaeological Record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 295-314.
  • Stephens, L. & Fuller, D. et al. 2019 An Archaeological Assessment of Global Land Use from 10,000 BP to 1850 CE. Science 30 Aug 2019: 365(6456):897-902.
  • Thurston, T. L.  2019.  ‘Can you hear me now?’ Heterarchy as an instrument and outcome of collective action in C. Ray and M. Fernández-Götz (eds), Historical Ecologies, Heterarchies and Transtemporal Landscapes  Routledge, London, pp. 55-79.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2019.  Livelihood and resilience in a marginal northern environment: 1000 years on the Småland Plateau in Zubrow, E.,  Meidinger, E. and  K. Connolly (eds) The Big Thaw: Policy, Governance, and Climate Change in the Circumpolar North. SUNY Press, Albany.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2018. There is no means by which I live: livelihood and power at the margins of the state in Uneven Terrain: Archaeologies of Political Ecology in Comparative Perspective Morehart, C. T., Juarez, S, and Millhauser, J. (eds) Blackwell: Archaeological Papers of the AAA No. 29, pp. 99-119.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2018. Regions, groups, and identity: An intellectual history. in Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age, Haselgrove, C., Rebay-Salisbury, K , and Wells, P. S. (eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2016. Enduring Nations and Emergent States: rulership, subjecthood, and power in early Scandinavia in Fargher, L. and Heredia, V. (Eds.) Alternative Pathways to Complexity A Collection of Essays on Architecture, Economics, Power, and Cross-Cultural Analysis. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, pp. 177-206.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2015. Surplus from Below: Self Organization of Production in Early Historic Northern Europe in The Politics of Production and the Strategies of Everyday Life, Morehart, C. and De Lucia, K. (eds.) University Press of Colorado, Boulder, pp. 121-143.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2014. Expanding Identity: Archaeology, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences in V. Ginn, R. Enlander and R. Crozier (eds) Exploring Prehistoric Identity: our construct or theirs? Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 186-196.
  • Thurston, T. L. and Plunkett, G. 2012. A Dynamic Socioecology of Iron Age, Medieval and Early Modern Ulster, Northern Ireland In Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations. Giosan, L. (ed.) Geophysical Monograph Series, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC.
  • Milisauskas, S., Thurston, T. and R. Whitlow. 2011. American Conributions to European Archaeology Sprawozdania Archeologiczne volume 63:35-63. Instytut Archeolgii i Etnologii PAN, Krakow, Poland.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2011. Tracing the political geography of early Denmark through integrated archaeological and geochemical survey. In Zwischen Fjorden und Steppe. Festschrift Fur Johan Callmer Zum 65 Geburstag. Theune-Vogt, C. & Biermann, F. (eds.) Internationale Archäologie, Studia honoraria, Band 31. Rahden/Westf. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, pp. 135-146.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2010.  Bitter Arrows and Generous Gifts: What Was a King in the European Iron Age? In Pathways to Power New Perspectives on the Emergence of Social Inequality. Price, T.D. and G. M. Feinman (eds.) Springer Scientific Publishing, New York, pp. 193-254.
  • Thurston, T. L., Westphal, J.,  and Roesgaard, M.  2009.  Imagining Danish prehistory through 50 years: methodological and paradigmatic transformations in regional and interregional archaeology. In  Re-imagining Regional Analyses: The Archaeology of Spatial and Social Dynamics T L Thurston and Roderick B. Salisbury (eds.) CSP, Cambridge, pp. 67-99.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2009.  Farming the Margins: on the social causes and consequences of soil management strategies in The Archaeology of Environmental Change: Socionatural Legacies of Degradation and Resilience. C. T. Fisher, B. Hill & G. Feinman (eds), U of Arizona Press, pp. 106-134.
  • Thurston, T. L.  2009. Unity and diversity in the European Iron Age: out of the mists, some clarity? Journal of Archaeological Research 17(4): 347-423.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2007. Rituals of Rebellion: Cultural Narratives and Metadiscourse of Violent Conflict in Iron Age and Medieval Denmark Journal of Conflict Archaeology. 3(1):269-295.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2007. Infields, Outfields, and Broken Lands: agricultural intensification and the ordering of space in Iron Age Denmark. Thurston and Fisher (eds.) Seeking A Richer Harvest: The Archaeology of Subsistence Intensification, Innovation and Change  Human Ecology and Adaptation Book Series.  Springer Scientific Publishing New York pp. 155-191.
  • Thurston, T. L. 2006.  The Barren and the Fertile: central and local intensification strategies across variable landscapes. Agricultural Strategies J. Marcus & C. Stanish (eds). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles CA pp. 131-161.
  • Thurston, T. L. 1999. The knowable, the doable, and the undiscussed: tradition, submission, and the "becoming" of rural landscapes in Denmark's Iron Age Antiquity 1999 (3):661-671.

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses

  • APY 333 | North American Archaeology
  • APY 437 | Celts, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings
  • APY 420 | Gender Archaeology
  • APY 434 | The Archaeology of Sacred Places and Spaces

Graduate Courses

  • APY 587 | Sacred Places and Spaces
  • APY 589 | Complex Societies
  • APY 609 | Gender Archaeology
  • APY 610 | Archaeological Method and Theory
  • APY 611 | Celts, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings
  • APY 729 | Human Impacts on Ancient Environments
  • APY 731 | Landscape Archaeology
  • APY 733 | Analytical Methods in Archaeology