The following faculty are accepting new MS students for the Evolution, Ecology and Behavior (EEB) Program, and new students for either the PhD EEB Ecology Track or Sustainability Track. To see a complete list of all the Environmental and Sustainability Faculty and Affiliated Faculty (including all those in the EEB program), please visit our Faculty page.
Micheal Dent (accepting MS students): Animal Behavior; Animal Communication; Audition; Complex Sound Perception.
Omer Gokcumen (accepting MS students): Genetics of what makes us human; Comparative Primate Genomics; Genomic Structural Variation.
Nicholas Henshue (accepting MS students): Restoration Ecology; Soil Ecology.
Nicholas Holowka (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Biological Anthropology; Human Movement; Biomechanics; Functional Morphology; Primate Locomotion; Human Health.
Trevor Krabbenhoft (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Ichthyology; Genomics; Aquatic Ecology.
Chris Larsen (accepting MS students): Forest Conservation Biogeography; Climate Change; Geographic Information Systems; Paleoecology.
Vincent Lynch (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Genetics; Genomics and Systems Biology; Evolutionary Biology.
D. Scott Mackay (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Ecohydrology; Climate Change; Remote Sensing; Geographic Information Systems.
Richard Marinos (accepting MS students): Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem Ecology, Watershed Science.
Eduardo Mercado III (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Animal Cognition; Vocal Behavior of Vertebrates; Learning and Plasticity.
Matthew Paul (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Neuroendocrine regulation of reproductive and social development; Biological Rhythms; Sex Differences
Stephanie Poindexter (accepting MS students): Movement Ecology; Primate Behavioral Ecology; Primate Evolution; Primate Conservation; Sensory Evolution.
Isabel Porto-Hannes (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Limnology; Freshwater Mussel Conservation; Aquatic Habitat Restoration.
Ann-Marie Torregrossa (accepting MS students): Physiology Diet Selection; Salivary Proteins.
Noreen von Cramon-Taubadel (accepting MS students): Biological Anthropology; Human Evolution; Evolutionary Morphology; Modern Human Variation; Craniometrics; Geometric Morphometrics.
Heather Williams (accepting MS students): Behavioral and Spatial Ecology of Migratory Birds.
Adam Wilson (accepting EEB PhD-Ecology Track and MS students): Ecological impacts of global environmental change; Species distributions; Ecosystem Resilience; Climate Change; Bayesian Modeling.
Holly Buck (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Climate change; Global Environmental Governance; Environmental Policy; Science and Technology Studies; Public Participation in Emerging Technologies.
Susan Clark (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Sustainability Education, Climate Change Policy; Sustainable Development and Resilient Infrastructure Systems.
Kirk Jalbert (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Activism and Social Movements; Civic Science; Energy Policy and Governance; Environmental Justice; Participatory Action Research; Science and Technology Studies; Resilient Infrastructure Systems.
Marisa Manheim (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Environmental Governance; Public Participation; Sustainability Transitions; Design Research; Participatory Action Research.
Emily Reisman (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems; Political Ecology; Science & Technology Studies; More-than-human Geography; Hydrosocial Systems.
Lourdes Vera (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Environmental Health and Justice; Studies of Science; Technology and Society; Critical Race Theory; Social Movements; Data Visualization and Analytics.
Barbara Wejnert (accepting EEB PhD-Sustainability Track and MS students): Worldwide diffusion of democracy and globalization and their effects on environmental sustainability and gender equity; Democracy; Environmental Protection and Sustainable Global Development and Public Health; Leadership in Sustainability and Political Systems.