Victoria Iachetta, BA Class of 2014

Victoria Iachetta.

Victoria Iachetta, '14


Choosing to become a history major was never something I thought twice about. After my first semester of college, I knew that I wouldn’t enjoy my time at UB if I wasn’t reading, writing, and learning about the things I’m passionate about. Having a bachelors in history, however, is much more than what it appears. After graduation, I landed a position in the field of real estate. As of now, I’m currently managing over 200 residential real estate appraisers in the Greater Los Angeles area. My extensive knowledge of historical events and people may not play a huge part in my position right now. However, my ability to conceptualize ideas and express them are probably my two biggest advantages over many other candidates in the field of business. As a history major, you’re molded into an idea machine. The business world, among many other fields, lacks critical thinkers. Young men and women who are trained to think for themselves, to innovate and excel. That’s where a candidate with a humanities degree will prevail. Earning my degree taught me to be patient, and to pay attention to detail. As a result, I’m able to establish a level of trust and understanding with professionals that have been in their field for decades. I’ve leveraged the many skills obtained through years of research and seminars to become the best at what I do. Having a degree in history should not confine you to the field of history, unless you so choose. The skills obtained while earning this degree can and should be utilized in as many ways as possible throughout the professional world.