Facilities and Equipment

Wide shot of studio.

The Department of Media Study, housed in the Center for the Arts with the departments of Art and Theatre and Dance, provides state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that give students hands-on experience with the latest gear and best practices available.

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The Department of Media Study offers access to a range of tools and devices integral to the practice of media arts. As the field of media arts grows, Media Study’s services and tool-set has also expanded. Student have access to “traditional” film/video/audio production equipment including an array of professional- and pro-sumer digital video cameras; sync- and non-sync 16mm and Super-8 film cameras; audio recorders; microphones; tripod systems, dollies, lighting kits, grip accessories; field monitors; presentation equipment including film and video projectors and media players; and many additional production accessories. In addition, the department offers access to devices, tools, and software essential to fields of mobile media production, interactive installation, physical computing, sensing, and more. Hardware includes: Head-mounted displays, microcomputers and microprocessors; frame grabbers, cmucams/webcams, mobile devices, various sensors, electronic components, breadboards, soldering irons, and diagnostic tools. All equipment is assessed and upgraded yearly, ensuring that students have continued access to technologies at the forefront of contemporary media making.

Equipment Room Location and Hours

Staff in Equipment Room.

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 to 5:30
Friday: 9:00 to 5:00
Closed daily from 1:00 to 1:30

Campus Maps: Center for the Arts

Labs and Facilities

Production labs

Media Study provides access to over 50 computer stations across multiple labs with various OS platforms for video production, programming, web, and more. All labs include the Adobe Creative Cloud suite (among many other software). These labs include:

  • CFA Lab 235: 11 Windows OS computers exceeding system requirements for VR capability; for Game Design, Game Studies, programming, VR. OPEN LAB HOURS (pdf)
  • CFA Lab 242: The Extensible Media Lab located on South Campus, resources include 3D & PCB printing, an array of electronics, microprocessors, and sensing components for design and prototype of projects.
  • CFA Lab 244: 22 Mac computers for multimedia creation, programming, web design, graphics OPEN LAB HOURS (pdf)
  • CFA Lab 246: 22 Mac computers for video editing and instruction
  • CFA Lab 266: 16mm Film Editing: 6 and 8 plate Steenbeck flatbed editors, rewind benches
  • CFA Lab 281: VR Lab with PC, monitor, open space for VR
  • CFA Lab 284: Post-production and Animation editing lab
  • CFA Lab 287: Graduate student editing lab
  • CFA Lab 290: Audio Editing and Recording Lab

Classrooms, Screening Rooms and Production Spaces

  • 2 x Screening Rooms (CFA 232/235; Seats ~30) with multiple source A/V system, native HD projectors
  • 1 x Auditorium (CFA 112; Seats 220) with stage, equipped with native HD video projection, surround sound, 35mm/16mm/S8 film projection, networked presentation PC, PA system (wired and wireless), lectern, lighting presets
  • 1 x Production Classroom/Soundstage with Lighting Grid (CFA 286)
  • 1 x Production Studio with chroma-key cyclo wall, lighting grid (CFA 278)

Community Resources and Support Programs

Part of what makes Media Study at UB unique are our numerous resources within the university itself and the city of Buffalo. Students not only have access to our labs and equipment, but also benefit vocationally and artistically from our strong ties to professional organizations within Buffalo. Outside of UB, Media Study has strong working relationships (and sponsors internships) with nearby media and cultural organizations including the Buffalo Bills, C.E.P.A.GalleryHallwalls Contemporary Arts CenterSqueaky Wheel Film and Media Art Center, and numerous television stations and production houses. Students will also gain from supervision by the Director of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, benefit from university services and resources, and have access to all university libraries, including Lockwood library for research materials and VCRs. The Silverman Multimedia Collections and Services on the third floor of Capen Hall is another excellent resource for students. The Department of Media Study also features its own collection of more than 1,000 videos, films, and DVDs accessible to instructors for their classes.