Computer Music Studios

The Computer Music Studios of the University at Buffalo Department of Music strive to offer students knowledge and tools allowing them to work independently on research and compositional projects, including algorithmic instrumental compositions, electroacoustic/tape pieces, works involving real-time interaction, and multi-media works which make use of specialized controllers, video, dancers and more.

Courses are taught in ProTools, Ableton Live, LOGIC, the Max/MSP/Jitter~ environment, Pd, C-sound, REAPER and a variety of other software is also available and widely supported. Fundamental concepts of psychoacoustics, acoustics, digital signal processing, computer science, digital audio theory, and electronic music history are covered.  The main production studio has a nine speaker (plus subwoofer) Genelec system that can quickly be reconfigured via software (5:1, octaphonic, quadraphonic, etc.).  

The Studios

Studio B: Faculty/PhD composition student final production studio Studio C: Primary Graduate Studio Music Tech lab B33

Faculty/PhD Final Production Studio

Location: 110 Slee Hall

This production Studio has a single powerful IMAC running ProTools, and a variety of software programs for mixing and realization. The studio has a 9 channel Genelec system that can be configured as an 8 channel system, a 5.1 surround with subwoofer, and both quad and stereo configurations. Additionally, large B and W monitors are available for high end stereo mix comparisons. This studio is mainly used for final mix realizations and for 8 channel/5.1 surround mix simulations. Final presentations of works may be presented in 5.1 or 7.1 in the Baird 250 Auditorium on D and B surround speaker configurations, or in Lippes concert hall via Meyers 8.1 reinforcement systems during the June in Buffalo series, if students apply and are selected for participation.


Computer Music Studios
110 Slee Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
(716) 645-2765