Equity and Inclusion Resources

Accessibility at UB

Accessibility at UB has links and resources to ensure that everyone has access to electronic information technology and physical access to the campus. You can find information on how request an interpreter or other accommodation, or information on how to report an accessibility concern.

Housing and Physical Spaces

Intercultural and Diversity Center

The Intercultural and Diversity Center (IDC) is committed to supporting all students at UB by creating a sense of belonging and celebrating our differences just as we celebrate our commonalities. To meet this goal, the IDC hosts various programs and services such as diversity advocates, workshops, and events.


International Student Services

The International Student Services office has several resources for international students such as information on immigration and visas, social security cards, income tax, and life in Buffalo, NY.

Mental Health Counseling

There are several mental health and counseling resources on campus, most of which are free or at low cost to students.


Undocumented Students

  • From the Office of Inclusive Excellence, resources for mixed-status families and undocumented UB community members.
  • Find information on potential scholarships and funds for undocumented students as well as information on New York State’s DREAM Act.

Mentoring, Research, and Academics

Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

  • EOP is an avenue for admission and support for students who have demonstrated potential to succeed in spite of educational or economic barriers.

Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences (CLIMB)

  • The CLIMB Program offers research opportunities, mentoring, and professional development workshops to help its scholars develop into well-rounded professionals who will be leaders in their chosen field. The goal of the program is to create an inclusive community of talented scientists.

Cora P. Maloney Center

The Cora P. Maloney Center (CPMC) houses several different programs for talented students from a varied of backgrounds. These programs include:

  • Access to College Excellence (ACE)
    • ACE is a support services program designed to aid in students’ transition from high school to college and during their first two years of study at UB.
  • Daniel Acker Scholars Program
    • Acker Scholars are a unique, individualized learning community of academically talented and diverse students who have strong commitment to social justice, leadership and community service.
  • Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
    • CSTEP empowers talented students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue careers in science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM), the licensed professions and health-related fields.
  • McNair Scholars Program
    • The McNair Scholars program serves low-income, first-generation students and traditionally underrepresented undergraduate student populations along their path to earning a PhD.
  • Student Support Services (SSS)
    • The SSS office serves first-generation students, students from low-income backgrounds and students with a documented disability as they work toward earning their college degree.

Network for Enriched Academic Relationships (NEAR)

  • NEAR is a UB-wide interdisciplinary mentoring network for PhD students. Through NEAR, students can find mentors regarding issues that lie beyond coursework, comps, and dissertations (e.g., systemic bias, personal hardship), so that more students—and more diverse students—will feel supported and emboldened in their own careers.

Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)

  • The IMSD@UB is a program that develops student talents, promotes the professional growth of PhD students, and enhances intellectual and cultural diversity in the biomedical and behavioral sciences at UB.


  • The NAVIGATE Project aims to increase the number of women STEM graduates who persist in their chosen disciplines and achieve leadership roles. It is an innovative training program that relies on Case Study Teaching Methods to increase the skills of STEM.

Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)

  • The Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) program at UB provides support and extracurricular opportunities for female students in STEM fields with the goal of increasing the recruitment, retention and success of women in the sciences, math and engineering.

Professional Clothing

  • Hired: Professional Clothing Boutique has gently used professional clothing available for students and recent graduates and can be a great resource for students interviewing for jobs or graduate programs or for people transitioning their gender presentation.

Other Resources