PhD in Clinical Psychology, Advanced Certificate in Developmental Science, UB;
Assistant Professor, Higher Education
I am truly lucky to have trained in the Clinical Psychology PhD program in the UB Psychology Department. Over the course of my training, I had mentors who challenged me to expand my knowledge—to learn new methods, theories, and analytic techniques. As I went outside of my knowledge comfort zone, my mentors were always supportive and spent time with me to refine my skills as a clinical scientist. After leaving UB, I continue to be struck by how well the Clinical Psychology program trained me to think critically when conducting research as well as doing clinical work. As a research scientist, I feel hopeful that my work will improve the lives of adolescents who use substances and this sentiment is a function of the excellent training and mentorship I earned at UB. If you are considering graduate study in Psychology at UB, know that you will be surrounded by some of the smartest, kindest, and most supportive mentors out there who are leaders in their respective fields of research.