Study Abroad with RLL

Mackenzie Stark, Plaza de España, Sevilla, Spain. UB Salamanca Program, Summer 2023.

Mackenzie Stark, Plaza de España, Sevilla, Spain
UB Salamanca Study Abroad Program, Summer 2023

Studying abroad is an integral and highly rewarding component of learning a language well, and RLL majors and minors are strongly encouraged to study abroad through an approved program. 


The department runs a summer program in Salamanca, Spain in conjunction with Buffalo State College. Options for a new semester- or academic year-long program at the University of Seville will be coming online soon.  Stay tuned!

with thanks to students Emma Banks, Aisling Cantillon and Thalia Shatah for contributing photos and captions!

For questions about the Salamanca program, please contact:


Graduate Teaching Assistants have the exciting opportunity to teach overseas through exchange programs in Paris, France.

Exchange students perfect language skills, conduct research or perform fieldwork for a future dissertation grant, all while gaining valuable real-world experience and developing cross-cultural fluency.

For more information, please visit this page and contact our department chair:


See our Scholarships and Funding page for information about applying for study abroad funding.

In addition:  

  • The national French honor society Pi Delta Phi has scholarships available to members.
  • The national Italian honor society Gamma Kappa Alpha awards a yearly $500 scholarship contingent on availability of funds and approval by the Board of Directors.  Please contact Prof. Maria Rosaria Vitti-Alexander, GKA Vice President, at for more information.
  • The national collegiate Hispanic honor society Sigma Delta Pi offers a number of  scholarships, awards and recognitions.  Please visit the website for more information.


Le Marché de Noël, Lille, France.


Le Marché de Noël, Lille, France
photo by Emily Crist


Please Note

Before going on a study abroad program for major or minor credit, undergraduate students are required to meet with an RLL Academic Advisor in the appropriate language. Please make an appointment and bring a proposed study abroad course syllabi to the appointment for pre-approval.

When students return, they must make an additional appointment with an RLL Academic Advisor. This will ensure the courses can be appropriately articulated to count towards the major or minor.

Here is How You Study Abroad


Office of Study Abroad Programs
210 Talbert Hall
(716) 645 – 3912