2023-2024 Exhibitions

"Great Expectations: Western New York Regional High School Art Exhibition" - Lower Art Gallery Exhibition, Feb. 2024.

"Great Expectations: Western New York Regional High School Art Exhibition" - Lower Art Gallery Exhibition, Feb. 2024

In the 2023-2024 school year the Lower Gallery presented 4 exhibitions, and the Project Space presented 19 exhibitions and installations. Some materials from these exhibitions may be in the Department Archive. Reach out to the Art Resource Manager with any information requests.

Fall 2023 Exhibition Schedule

Try Harder was on display from Th. 8/31/23 to Sun. 1/7/24.

Th. 8/31/23, 5-8PM for the opening reception of Try Harder, a solo exhibition of Frederick Wright Jones, a 2010 MFA alumni of the UB Department of Art.

The reception took place in the Department of Art's Lower Gallery, in room B45 of the Center for the Arts on UB North Campus, in the space where this exhibition was installed.

This work, compiled over the last 6 years, is an homage to location in Place and Time. Playing off Mikhail Bakhtin’s idea of the Chronotope in Literature. Jones places sculpture, as language, into conversation with this linguistic tool to speak about our current condition. In this work Jones does a personal analysis of navigation in general, moving across the Atlantic, being both with his family and apart from them, the role of teaching, and the issues of access highlighted by the Covid 19 pandemic. Aesthetically, it is a look at mapping, technological evolutions, tools of violence and survival, and the nuance of visibility and invisibility. Jones contrasts the notion of the “Ritual and the Sacred” and their location between private and public as they travel through Walter Benjamin’s “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” into bell hook’s “Art on my Mind.”

Frederick Wright Jones presented for the Department's Visiting Artist Speaker Series, on Mon. 9/11/23, at 6:30PM in CFA 112 (the Center for the Arts Screening Room). The series is open to the public, with seating first come first serve after students registered in the Speaker Series course have been seated.

Wooden sclupture by Frederick Wright Jones, depicting 3 world leader caricatures on top of a wooden mechanical base.

Spring 2024 Exhibition Schedule

Great Expectations: Western New York Regional High School Art Exhibition

Evelyn Rumsey Lord Travel Award: Competition Exhibition

  • Show Dates: Tues. 2/27 through Sat. 3/30/2024
  • Reception: Th. 3/7/24, 5-7PM
  • Featuring work by the 2023 Winners, Avani Bodden and Micky Pearson, and 2024 Award Applicants.
  • Participating students, application information Part I, Part II

Department of Art's BFA Senior Thesis group exhibition

  • Show Dates: Mid-April through Mid-May, exact dates TBD
  • Reception: TBD
Black text on a peachy pink background.

In the Department of Art Lower Gallery, Room B45 of the Center for the Arts.

Featuring work by:

Abby Short, Tessa Bradley, Marianne Goorbaran, Jessica Baker, Avani Bodden, Xinwen Li, Kylie Naylor, Isabelle Santos, Yihong Lin

This exhibition has been organized by Ilona Gaynor, Professor for the BFA Senior Thesis class this year.

Exhibition poster for the Evelyn Rumsey Lord Travel Award, with text on a painted canvas background. The paint is blue, pink, yellow and orange swaths.

For more information on the Evelyn Rumsey Lord Award, see here.

Gallery Locations

Lower Gallery

B45 Center for the Arts 
University at Buffalo, North Campus 
Buffalo, NY 14260

Project Space

155 Center for the Arts 
University at Buffalo, North Campus 
Buffalo, NY 14260


The University at Buffalo strives to create an environment in which diverse opinions can be peacefully expressed and heard, regardless of whether others may disagree with those expressions.

- Department of Art Lower Art Gallery
