Evolutionary biology: evolutionary genetics of aquatic invertebrates
The research area of my lab is molecular evolution. Specifically, we aim to address problems and make discoveries in speciation biology, hybridization, species introductions, and paleovirology. We use a variety of complementary approaches to gain this knowledge including the tools of molecular, genomic, experimental, comparative, and historical biology.
Kotov, A. A., Garibian, P. G., Bekker, E. I., Taylor, D. J., and Karabanov, D. P. 2020. A new species group from the Daphnia curvirostris species complex (Cladocera: Anomopoda) from the eastern Palaearctic: taxonomy, phylogeny and phylogeography. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlaa046. PDF
Ballinger, M. J. and Taylor, D. J. 2019. Evolutionary persistence of insect bunyavirus infection despite host acquisition and expression of the viral nucleoprotein gene. Virus Evolution 5(2): vez017. PDF
Zuykova, E. I. , Bochkarev, N. A., Taylor, D. J. and Kotov, A. A. 2019. Unexpected endemism in the Daphnia longispina complex (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Southern Siberia. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0221527. PDF
Zuykova, E. I. , Simonov, E. P., Bochkarev, N. A., Taylor, D. J. and Kotov, A. A. 2018. Resolution of the Daphnia umbra problem (Crustacea: Cladocera) using an integrated taxonomic approach. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. ZLY15 PDF
Taylor, D. J., Ballinger, M. J., Medeiros, A. S., and Kotov, A. A. 2016. Climate-associated tundra thaw pond formation and range expansion of boreal zooplankton predators. Ecography 39: 43-53. PDF supplementary files