Jacob Bowman, PhD
Information forthcoming.
Robert Ditter, PhD
Lab: Santos/Taylor
E-mail: rditter@buffalo.edu
Campus address: 653 Hochstetter Hall
Educational history:
Seon Ung Hwang, PhD
Lab: Jae Lee
E-mail: seonungh@buffalo.edu
Current project: iPSCs in deciphering the etiology of FOXG1 syndrome
Campus address: 550 Cooke Hall
Phone: 716-645 4990 (Jae Lee Lab)
Educational History
Shin Jeon, PhD
Lab: Lees
Current project: Characterization of FoxG1 mouse models.
Educational History
Lab: Gokcumen
E-mail: charikle@buffalo.edu
Campus address: Hochstetter 520
Liwen Li, PhD
Lab: Jae Lee
E-mail: lli88@buffalo.edu
Current project: Genome-wide approaches to understand neurodevelopmental gene regulation network
Campus address: 550 Cooke Hall
Phone: (716) 645 4990 (lab)
Educational History
Daniel MacGuigan, PhD
Lab: T. Krabbenhoft
E-mail: dmacguig@buffalo.edu
Current project: Evolutionary genomics of fishes.
Campus address: Hochstetter Hall 540
Educational History
Related Link:
MacGuigan wins NSF postdoctoral fellowship
Ji Hwan Moon, PhD
Lab: Lees
Current project: Bioinformatics analysis of NGS datasets and development of new tools and algorithms for genome-wide dataset analysis.
Educational History
Jaein Park, PhD
Lab: Jae Lee
E-mail: Jaeinpar@buffalo.edu
Current project: Seizure and other behavioral deficits in the etiology of FOXG1 syndrome
Campus Address: 550 Cooke Hall
Phone: 716-645 4990 (Jae Lee Lab)
Educational History
Christine Song, PhD
Lab: Lees
Email: eunahchr@buffalo.edu
Phone: 716-645-4990
Bo Sortman, PhD
Lab: Daniels
E-mail: bosortma@buffalo.edu
Campus address: 55 Hochstetter Hall
Educational history
Matthew Vandermeulen, PhD
Lab: T Krabbenhoft
E-mail: vanderme@buffalo.edu
Recent project: Understanding signaling network diversity that drives variation of filamentous growth in wild yeasts.
Campus address: 510 Cooke Hall
Educational history