Neuronal computation in the auditory system
The Xu-Friedman lab studies the mechanisms and functions of synaptic plasticity, focusing on auditory nerve synapses in the mouse cochlear nucleus as a model system. The lab investigates both activity- and neuromodulator-dependent plasticities, using electrophysiology and calcium imaging in brain slices. In addition, the functional effects of plasticity are being studied by recording from auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus in vivo.
The Xu-Friedman Lab developed mafPC as a set of routines written to control Instrutech and National Instruments hardware from Wavemetrics Igor v6 running on PC or Macintosh computers. The mafPC interface is particularly useful for designing complex stimulation paradigms and collecting responses.
The mafPC’s interface is implemented entirely in Igor-native code, so it is platform-independent. That means it is relatively easy to modify the code for sophisticated users.
mafPC can control Heka ITC16 and ITC18, as well as National Instruments E-, M-, and X-series boards. It can theoretically be adapted with minor changes for any data acquisition system.
The mafPC zip-folder includes:
The mafPC interface is in constant use in our lab as well as others around the world, and it is quite reliable. The Xu-Friedman Lab encourages you to suggest new features by contacting us. If you publish a paper using mafPC, do please acknowledge using it somewhere in your methods (e.g. “Electrophysiology data were collected using Igor (Wavemetrics) running mafPC (courtesy of M. A. Xu-Friedman)”, or similar.
mafPC updated May 3, 2021