Spectrum News profiles FOX G1 Center of Excellence led by Soo-Kyung Lee and Jae Lee

Expressing interest: Biologist Soo-Kyung Lee with her daughter Yuna and her son Joon. Yuna cannot walk or speak, but she likes stuffed animals and toys that light up or play music. Photograph by Eric Tronolone.

Expressing interest: Biologist Soo-Kyung Lee with her daughter Yuna and her son Joon. Yuna cannot walk or speak, but she likes stuffed animals and toys that light up or play music. Photograph courtesy of Spectrum by Eric Tronolone.

Spectrum, the leading source of news and expert opinion on autism research, reports on the work of UB Biological Sciences Professors Soo and Jae Lee in "portraits of scientists who are making a mark on autism research". Read the Spectrum News/Profiles, here.

Faculty Profile