Joe Mason is a 2021-2022 UB College Ambassador for the Department of Economics and is double majoring in Economics and Political Science. As a College Ambassador, he was nominated by the faculty of the Department of Economics to represent the university and serve as a source of information for current and prospective students!
Joe Mason
Why did you choose economics?
JM: I chose economics because of my initial interest in the interactions between the economy and politics!
Which class in the major has been your favorite and why?
JM: My favorite class in the major has to be Econometrics I, which heavily tests your knowledge of statistics. It was difficult but very rewarding!
Which class outside the major has been your favorite and why?
JM: My favorite classes outside of the major would have to be Introduction to Electronic Music I and II. My professor, who received his PhD last spring, made the class very fun and interesting! I learned a lot about making digital music and the extensive history behind electronic music as well.
Fast Facts
What is your top piece of advice for students in the economics major?
JM: The top piece of advice I have for any economics student is to get to know your professors! They are very willing to help and get to know you if you show them that you care.
What is one thing that you recommend students do while at UB?
JM: Join a club if you have not already, whether it be academic or hobby. It is a great way to meet like-minded people!