Tyler Herman is a 2022 – 2023 UB College Ambassador for the Department of Economics and is a dual major in Economics and Political Science. As a College Ambassador, he was nominated by the faculty of the Department of Economics to represent the university and serve as a source of information for current and prospective students!
Tyler Herman
Why did you choose economics?
TH: I want to be able to accurately predict and evaluate the effects of policies on consumers across many demographics.
Which class in the major has been your favorite and why?
TH: I took an Economics of Education course as my UB seminar that I loved. It used Economics to evaluate decisions in education using both fiscal and social measures, studying how policymakers and consumers to weigh the benefits and costs of education.
Which class outside the major has been your favorite and why?
TH: I took a Political Science course on Presidential Campaigns that I found very interesting. It gave an insight into how the campaigns are operated and formulated as well as the key steps to winning the election.
Fast Facts
What is your top piece of advice for students in the economics major?
TH: Ask questions if you have them and study! Concepts overlap tremendously and going back over the content will help those connections click.
What is one thing that you recommend students do while at UB?
TH: Go to a Bills game!!