Quantum Physics, Neutron Optics, Neutron Interferometry, Structured Light
Neutron Science: Developing the next generation of neutron optics techniques to probe emerging materials. Neutrons are a particularly convenient probe of matter given their relatively large mass, nanometer-sized wavelengths, and zero electric charge. The hallmark neutron studies up to now have used the easily accessible degrees of freedom: spin, path, and energy. In collaboration with researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and National Institute for Standards and Technology’s Center for Neutron Research, our group has enabled the use of orbital angular momentum in neutron beams, which essentially provide an additional quantized degree of freedom. We are now interested in the exciting opportunities to integrate orbital states with our scattering tomography techniques to study 3D bulk reconstructions of spin textures and unconventional magnetic orders.
Vision Science: Developing structure light methods that are sensitive to the debilitating eye conditions before vision loss occurs. Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom wave fields whose wave fronts are tailored to attain nontrivial propagation characteristics such as orbital angular momentum, non-diffraction, and self-healing. They have found numerous applications in microscopy, encoding and multiplexing of communications, quantum cryptography, and manipulation of matter among many others. In collaboration with researchers at the University of Waterloo School of Optometry & Vision Science and Centre for Eye and Vision Research in Hong Kong, our work pioneered techniques for greatly enhancing the visibility and versatility of entoptic phenomena through the first integration of quantum information science, structured light, and vision science. This work achieved the generation of stimuli with access to several measurable outcomes that can be correlated to the health of the eye. We are now interested in studying the applications of these techniques to detecting early signs of ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and pathological myopia.