Experimental High Energy Physics, Particle Physics
Particle physics studies the basic elements of matter and the interactions among them. It aims to uncover the most fundamental laws that control the make-up of the physical universe. The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics provides theoretical framework describing electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of the fundamental matter constituents. The legacy of SM rests on a large amount of experimental tests that indicate the couplings of matter particles (fermions: quarks and leptons) and force mediators(bosons) are precisely described by the SM, and confirm that Electroweak (EW) symmetryis preserved. However, it is also clear that this symmetry must be broken, as it forbids masses for all fermions and electroweak bosons. In SM, EW symmetry is broken spontaneously via Higgs mechanism whereby particles acquire masses through their interaction with the Higgs field. The Higgs boson – physical particle associated with the Higgs field – was discovered in 2012 by the Atlas and CMS collaborations at Large Hardon Collider (LHC, CERN). Since its discovery, all measurements of the boson’s properties agree with the SM predictions within their relatively large uncertainties. However, it is not yet known whether the observed boson is solely responsible for EW symmetry breaking, orif it is part of a broader picture of physics beyond the Standard Model. This broader picture can manifest itself through the production of new particles and/or through new types of interactions that are subject of active searches in proton-proton collisions at LHC.
My research program is centered on searches for new particles and new types of interactions at CMS. At the same time, I work on precision measurements of the Standard Model. Tools for testing the SM include hadronic jets which are signatures of quarks and gluons. I have been leading effort for precise calibration of hadronic jets which is imperative for most of the physics measurements at CMS. Through my students I am engaged in upgrades of the CMS Forward Pixel Detector. CMS Pixel detectors provide charged particle tracking and vertexing capabilities.These are crucial for most of the CMS physics program.