The UB High Energy Physics and Cosmology (HEPCOS) group combines experimental faculty working on collider physics with theoretical faculty investigating frontier issues in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Experimentalists conduct research at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, and at the Tevatron at Fermilab near Chicago. The HEPCOS group investigates fundamental questions at the frontier of cosmology and high energy physics, connecting high-precision cosmological and accelerator data to questions such as the origin and evolution of the universe, origin of mass, the nature of physics beyond the standard model, the unification of gravitation with quantum mechanics, and the role of the vacuum in the structure of space and time. These are among the foremost unsolved issues facing physics in the twenty-first century. The group's research is notable in its close focus on direct connection with collider experiments and current/upcoming astronomical data, and promises to significantly advance the state of the art in our understanding of fundamental physics. Graduate and undergraduate student researchers are an integral component of research in HEPCOS at UB.
Ia Iashvili – Searches for new physics, test of Standard Model, hadronic jets, silicon pixel tracking detectors
Avto Kharchilava – Searches for Higgs particle(s)
Salvatore Rappoccio – Searches for new physics, Jetsubstructure, Silicon pixel tracking detectors
William H. Kinney – Inflationary cosmology, cosmic microwave background physics, accelerating universe, dark matter
Dejan Stojkovic – Cosmology, General Relativity, Particle Physics
Doreen Wackeroth – Phenomenology of the Standard Model of particle physics and Beyond
Ciaran Williams – Theoretical particle physics
David Yu -
Postdocs – Duong Nguyen (CMS), Haifa Sfar (CMS)
Graduate Students – Mohamed Fawzy Abbas Aly, Hirak Bandyopadhyay, Gabriele Fiore, Daniele Gaggero, Lauren Hay, Hsin-Wei Hsia, Aritra Mandal, Diego Rios, Amartya Sengupta, Jiayang Xiao, Peter Young
Where are the High Energy and Cosmology alumni of the past ten years now ?
Meet a recent alumna: Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah (PhD)