Expectations for being granted tenure (i.e., Associate rank) in the Department of Psychology:
Clear evidence of an active research program while at the University at Buffalo that productively addresses questions of significance. Productively is indexed by the number of high quality publications in top-ranked, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The candidate’s research must be of the highest quality methodologically and highly regarded by peers as indicated by:
Publication in top-ranked, peer-reviewed scientific journals
Positive evaluations from scholars considered to be leaders in the relevant field of study
Evidence the research has an impact on psychology and perhaps other disciplines. Such evidence may include citations of candidate’s research and documented examples of the candidate’s research being used by other scientists to inform their work
The candidate must make credible and sustained efforts to obtain major external research funding. Securing major funding can strengthen the candidate’s case for tenure.
The candidate should demonstrate the potential for future growth and contribution to the discipline.
Promotion to tenure requires solid evidence of teaching effectiveness.
Evidence of committee and administrative service within the Department of Psychology and the University. In addition, evidence of professional service as indexed by involvement in scientific organizations, organization of conferences and symposia, and participation on editorial boards.
Expectations for being promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Psychology:
The candidate’s research must be evaluated by peers as nationally and internationally visible, clearly influential, and of the highest quality. The candidate must be viewed as a leader in his or her area of study.
Clear evidence of a sustained, active research program that productively addresses questions of significance to the field of psychology. Productively is indexed by the number of high quality publications in top-ranked, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The candidate should show the ability to secure major external funding for his or her research. The applicability of this criterion is evaluated in light of the availability of funding for research in the candidate’s area of study.
Solid evidence of teaching effectiveness.
Evidence of committee and administrative service within the Department of Psychology and the University. In addition, evidence of professional service as indexed by involvement in scientific organizations, organization of conferences and symposia, leadership positions within scientific organizations, and participation on editorial boards.
Best Practices
Untenured faculty must “go up” for tenure consistent with the timeline outlined in their contract. Beyond that, faculty have the right to put themselves forward for promotion at any point. However, a “best practice” is for faculty to work out a promotion timeline and discuss progress consistent with this timeline as part of regular meetings with the mentoring team. In addition, it is recommended that faculty considering promotion meet with the Department Chair in the year prior to submitting their materials to discuss, plan, and get feedback to maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome. For those who are pre-tenure, because the Personnel committee reviews dossiers for contract renewals, faculty may also choose to consult with this committee regarding whether or when to go up for tenure. For those considering a promotion to the rank of Full Professor, it is a good idea to ask the Chair to consult with current full professors prior to putting materials forward.
Suggested Timeline: Promotion to Associate Professor (Tenure Track)
April 1: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
May 31: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
June 30: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
September 15: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
October 1: Current Associate and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
October 5: Advocate and Chair letters added to dossier for submission to the Dean’s Office.
December: Advance electronic (pdf) copy of dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
March 1: Dossier due in the Provost’s Office, reflecting vote of the APT.
Suggested Timeline: Promotion to Full Professor (Tenure Track)
April 1: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
April 15: Current Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the materials and their recommendation to the Chair of proceeding with the promotion case.
May 15: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
June 15: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
August 15: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
September 1: Current Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
September 5: Advocate and Chair letters added to dossier for submission to the Dean’s Office.
September: Advance electronic (pdf) copy of dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
December 1: Dossier due in the Provost’s Office, reflecting vote of the APT.
Materials to be Submitted by the Tenure-Track Candidate for Promotion Consideration Within Psychology
Full CV
Include separate sections for all grant activity
Indicate funded
Indicate submitted
Indicate declined
Indicate student authors
Indicate how to interpret authorship order within the specialty
Include separate sections for primary/secondary mentorship of Ph.D./M.A./undergraduate students
Research statements
Extended statement: approximately three pages
Brief statement (for readers outside Psychology): one page
Publications (maximum of 10)
Include list of included publications organized thematically, with student authors indicated
Citation counts
Use tabular format, with number of citations for each publication
Include all publications
Indicate source for counts (e.g., Google Scholar)
Include total citations, h-index, and i10 index
Journal impact factors
Use tabular format, with impact factor and number of publications in each outlet
Include all publications
Indicate date and source for impact factors (e.g., Journal Citation Reports)
Service statement
Approximately one to two pages
Include professional service, department/college/university service, and community service
Teaching portfolio
Teaching statement
Approximately two pages, describing teaching philosophy, experiences, and contributions
Course syllabi
Most recent syllabi from all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Summary of numerical teaching evaluations
Use table template
Qualitative teaching evaluations
Include complete evaluation output for all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Grade Distributions (Optional; shared within the Department of Psychology only)
Table indicating grade distribution raw data from all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Histograms displaying the aggregated grade distribution by course (e.g., across all sections of a particular course)
List of proposed student evaluator names
Names and contact information of current and former students (undergraduate, graduate, independent study, and honors) who can be asked for letters of evaluation
Pre-tenure Review and Feedback Process
Pre-tenure review within the Department of Psychology is intended to provide feedback and guidance to Assistant Professors at the end of their third year. Materials submitted will be reviewed by the Personnel Committee and corresponding Area Head. The feedback will be discussed by the Department Chair during a meeting with the pre-tenure faculty member, their faculty mentor(s), and the corresponding Area Head.
Timeline: Pre-tenure Review and Feedback
April 1 of candidate's 3rd year: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
April/May: The Personnel Committee and corresponding Area Head discuss the materials and the pre-tenure faculty member's progress toward promotion.
May 30 or before: The Chair meets with the pre-tenure faculty member, their faculty mentor(s), and the corresponding Area Head to discuss feedback from the Personnel Committee and provide guidance on progressing toward promotion.
Materials to be Submitted by the Tenure-Track Assistant Professor for Pre-tenure Review Within Psychology
Full CV
Include separate sections for all grant activity
Indicate funded
Indicate submitted
Indicate declined
Include section for awards and honors
Indicate student authors
Indicate how to interpret authorship order within the specialty
Separate sections for peer-reviewed journal pubs, chapters, books, and published conference proceedings
Manuscripts under review (with dates of submission)
Do not include in prep manuscripts
Conference activities:
Indicate contributed and invited talks
Include local, national, and international invited presentations
Include names of courses taught (and years/semesters)
Include separate sections for primary/secondary mentorship of Ph.D./M.A./undergraduate students
Include service (committees, organized/chaired conference sessions, elected positions)
Grant review activities (indicate study section member or ad hoc reviewer)
Manuscript review activities (journal names only)
Brief research statement
One page, discussing grant activities, research program, publications, and research goals with future plans in a way that would be understandable to any faculty member
Brief service statement
One page, describing professional service, department/college/university service, and community service
Brief teaching statement
One page, describing teaching philosophy, experiences, and contributions
Materials to be Submitted by the Tenure-Track Assistant Professor for Contract Renewal Review Within Psychology
Full CV
Include separate sections for all grant activity
Indicate funded
Indicate submitted
Indicate declined
Include section for awards and honors
Indicate student authors
Indicate how to interpret authorship order within the specialty
Separate sections for peer-reviewed journal pubs, chapters, books, and published conference proceedings
Manuscripts under review (with dates of submission)
Do not include in prep manuscripts
Conference activities:
Indicate contributed and invited talks
Include local, national, and international invited presentations
Include names of courses taught (and years/semesters)
Include separate sections for primary/secondary mentorship of Ph.D./M.A./undergraduate students
Include service (committees, organized/chaired conference sessions, elected positions)
Grant review activities (indicate study section member or ad hoc reviewer)
Ladder (tenure-track) Full Professors vote on promotion to Full Professor. Ladder Full Professors and ladder Associate Professors vote on promotion to Associate Professor.
The promotion materials submitted by the candidate along with all letters of evaluation will be distributed to the members of the Department eligible to vote on the case at least one week prior to a meeting of that group. During the meeting, the case will be discussed, and the faculty will vote on their recommendation for promotion (by secret ballot). After the balloting, the Chair will prepare a letter to the Dean detailing the faculty discussion and vote and providing a recommendation regarding promotion.
Guidelines for Clinical Teaching (Non-Tenure Track) Faculty
Expectations for being promoted to the rank of Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology:
Faculty being considered for promotion to this rank must demonstrate professional growth and achievement commensurate with this rank. Typically, clinical assistant professors should have been in rank a minimum of six years before they are considered for promotion. Comparable service at the University at Buffalo or another institution can be counted as part of the six years of time in rank. Promotion criteria include expectations for performance in both teaching and service. Contributions in research are valued by the Department and can be considered as part of the overall evaluation of the candidate, but such contributions will not be viewed as substitutes for excellence in teaching and service. Research on teaching done as a service to the Department and/or University can, however, be evaluated as evidence of service excellence.
The candidate must show clear and sustained evidence of highly effective teaching. Relevant evidence could include ratings collected from students on teaching effectiveness, samples of work from students, formal assessments of student performance, statements from former students regarding the professional and personal impact of the faculty member, and teaching awards and recognitions. In the case of teacher effectiveness ratings from students, the sample should be collected from a reasonable proportion of the course enrollment, which would be at or above the average participation rate for the Department of Psychology.
With regard to service, clinical faculty should contribute service to the Department, University, and/or to the profession, which may include (but is not limited to): the development of innovative teaching methods and pedagogical tools; curriculum development; leadership responsibilities for a particular educational program in the Department; participation in professional meetings or panels involving teaching and learning; service learning contributions to the Department, the University, and the community; committee service in the Department, College, and/or University; advisement of individual students and student groups; representation of the Department, College, and/or University in student outreach or events; and specific administrative activities that assist the Department, College, or University in meeting educational or program goals.
A candidate should have displayed a commitment to, and philosophy of, education compatible with the goals and educational mission of the Department and University.
The candidate should demonstrate the potential for future growth as an educator.
Expectations for being promoted to the rank of Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychology:
Faculty being considered for promotion to this rank must have achieved a sustained level of excellence commensurate with this rank. Typically, clinical associate professors should have been in rank a minimum of five years to be considered for promotion.
Basic criteria for appointment as a Clinical Professor are the same as for the Clinical Associate Professor. In addition, candidates should have a documented record as an accomplished educator and clear evidence of leadership in the areas in which they teach.
Candidates for promotion to the rank of Clinical Professor should demonstrate continued excellence in teaching. Relevant additional evidence could include (but is not limited to) substantial course development or refinement, or work with students individually and in groups, that is effective with commitment to outcomes-based learning and assessment. Candidates for promotion to the rank of Clinical Professor should demonstrate outstanding expertise in one or more aspects of scholarship that focuses on (1) teaching or education, and/or (2) involves students.
Candidates should exhibit leadership in service responsibilities within the Department, the College, and/or the University.
Best Practices
Faculty have the right to put themselves forward for promotion at any point. However, a “best practice” is for faculty to work out a promotion timeline and discuss progress consistent with this timeline as part of regular meetings with the mentoring team. In addition, it is recommended that faculty considering promotion meet with the Department Chair in the year prior to submitting their materials to discuss, plan, and get feedback to maximize the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Suggested Timeline: Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor
April 1: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
May 1: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
June 15: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
November 1: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
November 15: Personnel Committee meets to review materials and make recommendations.
November 25: Current Clinical Associate, Associate, Clinical Full, and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
February 1: Dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
January 10: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
February 15: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
April 1: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
July 1: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
September 15: Personnel Committee meets to review materials and make recommendations.
October 5: Current Clinical Associate, Associate, Clinical Full, and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
November 1: Dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
Suggested Timeline: Promotion to Clinical Full Professor
April 1: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
April 15: Current Clinical Full and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the materials and vote on their recommendation to the Chair of proceeding with the promotion case.
May 1: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
June 15: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
November 1: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
November 15: Current Clinical Full and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
February 1: Dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
January 10: The candidate should submit to the Chair the required materials.
January 31: Current Clinical Full and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the materials and vote on their recommendation to the Chair of proceeding with the promotion case.
February 15: The Chair has determined the final list of external evaluators and begins initial e-mail contact.
April 1: Chair’s letter and candidate’s materials are sent to evaluators (external and internal).
July 1: All materials due in the Chair’s office.
October 5: Current Clinical Full and Full Professors in the department meet to discuss the dossier and vote on their recommendation of promotion to the Chair.
November 1: Dossier due in the Dean’s Office.
Materials to be Submitted by the Clinical Teaching Candidate for Promotion Consideration Within Psychology
Full CV
Include names of courses taught
Modality (in person, online)
Typical enrollment for each course
Include separate sections for primary/secondary mentorship of Ph.D./M.A./undergraduate students
Include service (committees, directorships, elected or other positions):
Any grant review activities (indicate study section member or ad hoc reviewer)
Manuscript review activities (journal names only)
Include section for awards and honors
Include separate sections for any grant activity:
Indicate funded
Indicate submitted
Indicate declined
Indicate student authors
Indicate how to interpret authorship order within the specialty
Separate sections for peer-reviewed journal pubs, chapters, books, and published conference proceedings
Manuscripts under review (with dates of submission)
Do not include in prep manuscripts
Conference activities:
Indicate contributed and invited talks
Include local, national, and international invited presentations
Teaching portfolio
Teaching statement
Three to five pages, describing teaching philosophy, experiences, and contributions. If applicable, relevant professional service contributions (department/college/university/community) and/or scholarship may also be discussed.
Course syllabi
Most recent syllabi from all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Summary of numerical teaching evaluations
Use table template
Qualitative teaching evaluations
Include complete evaluation output for all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Grade Distributions (Optional; shared within the Department of Psychology only)
Table indicating grade distribution raw data from all courses taught at UB since hiring or last promotion at UB, whichever is more recent
Histograms displaying the aggregated grade distribution by course (e.g., across all sections of a particular course)
Publications (if any; maximum of 10)
If applicable, include list of any included publications organized thematically, with student authors indicated
Citation counts for any included publications
Use tabular format, with number of citations for each publication
Indicate source for counts (e.g., Google Scholar)
Include total citations
Journal impact factors for any included publications
Use tabular format, with impact factor and number of publications in each outlet
Indicate date and source for impact factors (e.g., Journal Citation Reports)
List of proposed student evaluator names
Names and contact information of current and former students (undergraduate, graduate, independent study, Honors, etc.) who can be asked for letters of evaluation
Materials to be Submitted by the Clinical Teaching Assistant Professor for Contract Renewal Review Within Psychology
Full CV
Include names of courses taught
Modality (in person, online)
Typical enrollment for each course
Include separate sections for primary/secondary mentorship of Ph.D./M.A./undergraduate students
Include service (committees, directorships, elected or other positions):
Any grant review activities (indicate study section member or ad hoc reviewer)
Manuscript review activities (journal names only)
Include section for awards and honors
Include separate sections for any grant activity:
Indicate funded
Indicate submitted
Indicate declined
Indicate student authors
Indicate how to interpret authorship order within the specialty
Separate sections for peer-reviewed journal pubs, chapters, books, and published conference proceedings
Manuscripts under review (with dates of submission)
Do not include in prep manuscripts
Conference activities:
Indicate contributed and invited talks
Include local, national, and international invited presentations
Three internal evaluation letters will be solicited from departmental colleagues who are in a position to provide an informed assessment of the clinical faculty member's contribution to the academic mission of the department.
Three external evaluator letters will be solicited from individuals from outside UB whose positions would enable a credible and authoritative perspective on the candidate's performance and who would be sufficiently informed about the candidate so as to render a convincing evaluation. These may be faculty at other institutions, including AAU universities, and may include clinical faculty (or equivalent positions) at other institutions. The letters should be solicited from individuals who are at or above the rank being considered for the candidate.
Letters of evaluation will be solicited from former students identified by the candidate.
Along with ladder faculty of appropriate rank, clinical teaching faculty shall vote on promotion cases of other clinical faculty in the same way that ladder faculty vote within their ranks (i.e., ladder Full Professors and Clinical Full Professors shall vote on promotion to Clinical Full Professor; ladder and Clinical Full Professors and ladder and Clinical Associate Professors shall vote on promotion to Clinical Associate Professor).
The promotion materials submitted by the candidate along with all letters of evaluation will be distributed to the members of the Department eligible to vote on the case at least one week prior to a meeting of that group. During the meeting, the case will be discussed, and the faculty will vote on their recommendation for promotion (by secret ballot). After the balloting, the Chair will prepare a letter to the Dean detailing the faculty discussion and vote and providing a recommendation regarding promotion.