GRE Frequently Asked Questions

Note: GRE scores are only required of Social-Personality PhD applicants. GRE scores are not required of Behavioral Neuroscience PhD, Clinical PhD, Cognitive PhD, General Psychology MA, or Drugs, Health, & Society MA program applicants. 

Q. Can GRE scores be waived? Can you accept another test in place of the GRE?  
A. We do not waive the GREs, nor can we accept another test in its place. There are no exceptions.

Q. Is the GRE Subject Test required?  
A. No. 

Q. What are the GRE codes (Institution and Department)?  
A. The Institution Code is 2925. Any other Institution Code, regardless of the Institution name attached to the code, will not reach our office. You can use any Department Code (2001, 2002, 2015 or 2016), as we will receive all scores sent to Institution Code 2925.

Q. I sent my scores a while ago, but the department still doesn't have them. Why? 
A. Most often this is because the Institution code was incorrect. Note that we ONLY receive scores sent to Institution Code 2925. If you accidently sent the scores to a different code, you will need to contact ETS and have them send the scores to the correct code.  Another reason we may not have received your scores may be because your name is spelled differently on your GRE test than on your application. If this is the case, please contact us at with the spelling you used on your GRE test. 

Q. I sent my scores to the wrong Institution code. Can you still retrieve my scores? 
A. No. You will need to contact ETS to have them resend your scores to Institution code: 2925 and one of the following Department Codes: 2001, 2002, 2015 or 2016.

Q. I am taking the GRE near or after the deadline. Will it be a problem if my scores arrive late?  
A. Any application materials received after the deadline are not guaranteed review. As applications are reviewed shortly after the deadline, it is best to schedule your GRE test at least three weeks before the deadline. If you are taking the test after the deadline, it is highly unlikely that your application will receive full consideration.

Q. What are acceptable GRE scores? Is there a minimum score required?  
A. There is no minimum requirement for GRE scores. However, applicants with Verbal and Quantitative GRE scores below the 50th percentile are unlikely to be highly competitive for admissions. Occasionally, we will give further consideration to applicants who have GRE scores below the 50th percentile but demonstrate compelling compensatory strengths (e.g., an accomplished publication record, excellent letters of recommendation that speak to the GRE scores, well developed research skills).

Q. What are the average scores of admitted applicants?
A. The average GRE Verbal Score is in the 81st percentile, the average GRE Quantitative Score is in the 68th percentile and the average GRE Analytic Writing Score is in the 80th percentile. (The average rate of acceptance is between 15% and 20% of all applicants.)

Q. Can I still apply if my GRE scores are low?  
A. Yes. Low GRE scores (or a low GPA) aren’t necessarily a problem if there are other strong credentials, such as having a lot of research experience or great letters of recommendation.