Department of Mathematics

A mathematics students writing math equations on a white board.

One of the most beautiful and useful of all human sciences, mathematics is the fundamental study of quantity, space and structure. The Department of Mathematics trains students to develop their analytical problem-solving skills through both fundamental and applied mathematics for a variety of careers.

Experiential Learning

Our department’s experiential learning opportunities provide students with the chance to deepen their understanding of the world beyond the classroom.

  • Explore what makes you curious through a directed or independent study course
  • Research side-by-side with faculty mentors
  • Apply to study abroad at an advanced mathematics program through the Independent University of Moscow or the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics


A recent survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers reports that "the top 15 highest-earning college degrees all have one thing in common: math skills.” Our graduates have found successful employment in accounting, appraising, banking, data processing and market research analysis, as well as higher education, health care, financial services and computer sciences.


  • BA in Mathematics
  • BS in Mathematics
  • MA in Mathematics 
  • PhD in Mathematics  

Combined Degrees

  • BA/MA in Mathematics
  • BA/EdM in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

Joint Major

  • BA in Economics and Mathematics
  • BS in Mathematical Physics