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"Gender and Adaptation in the Filmic Legacy of Emilia Pardo Bazán," forthcoming in Bulletin of Spanish Studies.
"Ulysses and the Spanish Novel: Religious Connections in Cela’s San Camilo, 1936 and Goytisolo’s Don Julián," forthcoming in Romanic Review 116.1 (2025).
“Martyrs and Saints of the Spanish Civil War Era: Enshrinement of the Right and Historical Memory.” Rite, Flesh, and Stone: The Matter of Death in Contemporary Spanish Culture, 1959-2020. Ed. Daniel García Donoso and Antonio Cordoba. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2021. Pages 97-118.
“RECording the End Time in Twenty-First-Century Spanish Film.” Writing in the End Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed. David R. Castillo and Bradley J. Nelson. Hispanic Issues On Line (HIOL) 23 (2019): 184-205.
“Transatlantic Musical Crossover: Miguel Bosé in the U.S.A. and Bruce Springsteen in Spain.” Imperialism and the Wider Atlantic: Essays in the Literatures, Politics and Aesthetics of Transatlantic Cultures. Ed. Francisco LaRubia-Prado and Tania Gentic. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Pages 135-156.
“The Metaphysics of Espronceda’s Romanticism in El estudiante de Salamanca.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 93.1 (2016): 29-44.
Religion and Spanish Film: Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.
Under Construction: The Body in Spanish Novels. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994.
Courses Taught
SPA 623: Post-War and Contemporary Spanish Novel and Film
SPA 524: 19th Century Spanish Literature
SPA 324: Medical and Health-Related Spanish
SPA 409: The Age of Lorca
SPA 408: History of Spanish Cinema
University at Buffalo Gender Institute Faculty Affiliate
Beta Nu Chapter Adviser, National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi
Advisory Board, MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán