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“Des chantiers potentiels: une conversation avec Enrique Walker.” Formules 17: Constrained Worlds - Mondes Constraints. Ed. Christelle Reggiani, Christophe Reig and Hermes Salceda (June 2013): 39-51.
"Superstudio Double-Take: Rescue Operations in the Realms of Architecture," Neoavanguardia. Italian Experimental Literature and Arts in The 1960s. Ed. Paolo Chirumbolo, Mario Moroni and Luca Somigli. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. Pages 283-319.
"Italo Calvino and Georges Perec: the Multiple and Contrasting Emotions of Cities and Puzzles." Romanic Review. Special issue: "Italy and France: Imagined Geographies." Ed. Laura Wittman. 97.3-4 (May-Nov. 2006): 401-421.
Courses Taught
ITA 410. Modern Italian Studies: Italian Avant-Garde and Neo-Avant-Garde
ITA 422. Modern Italian Studies: Landscapes in Literature and Cinema
ITA 429/DMS 429. Italian Cinematic Histories and Poetics
FR 481 / ITA 409. World Dramas, Human Choices, co-taught with Dr. Christian Flaugh
FR 525 / RLL 525 / FR 483 / ITA 409. European Cinema (grad. and undergrad.)
RLL 526/COL 525. Contemporary French and Italy Theory
Awards and Grants
Humanities Institute Faculty Fellowship, University at Buffalo, Spring 2022
College of Arts and Sciences, University at Buffalo, Annual Teaching Award, reviewed by the Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Cases, Spring 2016
Julian Park Publication Fund, University at Buffalo, Spring 2015
Principal Investigator: initiated application and obtained grants from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support the Italian Language Program at the University at Buffalo-SUNY, 2012-2016
Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University Fellowship, 2005