Minor in Economics

Economics students in class.

The Economics minor provides a general introduction to the field, and is especially suited to students obtaining a Bachelor's of Science (BS) degree (such as Engineering, Mathematics, or Management) who cannot pursue a double degree or double major. 


  Courses Credits
Prerequisites MTH 121, or MTH 131, or MTH 141 4
Required Courses

ECO 380: Economic Statistics & Data Analysis

ECO 405: Microeconomic Theory

ECO 407: Macroeconomic Theory

ECO 480: Econometrics I






Any three (3) upper-level economics electives, excluding ECO 495, ECO 496, ECO 498, or ECO 499 9
Total Minor Credits   25
Add an Economics Minor

You can obtain our Major/Minor declaration form electronically. Visit our Undergraduate forms page to fill out the online form.