Community Advisory Board

The goal of our Community Advisory Board is to build relationships within the communities we serve to increase access to more culturally relevant mental health services.

Advisory Mission

The Community Advisory Board will guide the Psychological Services Center priorities to make sure they are relevant to the community by:

  1. Working with and learning from the community to better understand the community’s specific mental health needs
  2. Improving training for students and faculty to provide support for specific needs of the University Heights community
  3. Increasing awareness of stigma of mental illness

The Community Advisory Board’s agenda and activities will be driven by its members and the communities they represent and connect with and may include programming for community-based events and activities aimed at reducing stigma of mental illness and increasing awareness of evidence-based treatments. In addition, because we are a research-based clinical psychology program, Community Advisory Board meetings may also provide an opportunity for the community to provide feedback to researchers (in Psychology and collaborating departments) and Clinical Psychology graduate students.

Community Advisory Board Members

Contact Us

Psychological Services Center
Department of Psychology
University at Buffalo
168 Park Hall (North Campus)
(716) 645-3697
(716) 645-6186 (fax)