Are you having difficulty managing your child’s emotions or behavior? Do you find it difficult to connect with your child?
Our Parenting Workshops are designed to help parents and caregivers of young children (typically 3 to 7 years old) foster a closer and more rewarding relationship, promote social-emotional growth, and better manage misbehavior, like tantrums and hitting. Parents and caregivers will learn skills on how to be more responsive to their child's needs, set consistent limits, and follow through with consequences when needed. To build a supportive community, sessions are offered in a group format of up to 10-15 caregivers. Each workshop is a two-part series, with two 2-hour sessions over the course of two weeks. Sessions are held in the evening.
Participants pay a one-time fee of $50 per family, due by the date of the first session. All parents/caregivers in the family are welcome to attend. Sessions are sequential, so attendance to both is encouraged.
This workshop series is typically offered once each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). No workshops are currently scheduled. If you are interested in attending, please contact the PSC office, and additional information can be provided.