Dounane with Robin Schulze, Dean of UB’s College of Arts and Sciences
Adam Dounane ’23, joint major in French and Communication and RLL’s 2023 Outstanding Senior, came to UB knowing that he wanted to explore how studying world languages and cultures could help solve real-world problems, and he says that “RLL has been an amazing community to do exactly that.”
During his time in RLL, Adam joined Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society, and served as President of the French Club and as one of RLL’s departmental ambassadors. When his study abroad plans were thrown into disarray by Covid, Adam developed a “DIY” study abroad, staying in Paris’s 17th Arrondissement and visiting family in Morocco. He highlights RLL’s support and assistance in pursuing linguistic and cultural immersion in the safest way possible given the unprecedented circumstances.
Adam’s long-term plan is to continue working in the field of non-profits, corporate giving, and social responsibility, and he hopes to apply the lessons he learned in RLL “to make sure that everyone is seen and supported.” A member of the International Communication Association, Adam recently assisted on and presented a project related to online drivers of antipathy toward US immigrants.
Adam’s message for those considering studying in RLL is that there is no “typical” RLL student, and that on UB’s large campus, “RLL classes are the perfect place to explore the best things UB has to offer.” He concludes: “I have met amazing people diverse in thought, identity, and experience [who] continue to expand my view of the world and encourage me to be my best – a global citizen.”