


Spanish is not only the official language of Spain, but also Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and most of South America. With approximately 410 million speakers, it is the fourth most common spoken language on the planet.

Spanish is the language of great writers such as Miguel de Cervantes, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Gabriel García Márquez; of artists such as Diego Velázquez, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera; and of filmmakers such as Luis Buñuel and Guillermo del Toro. Today, Spanish-speaking countries are culturally diverse and celebrated not only for their literature, art and films, but also for music, dance, cuisines and athletic achievements. Spanish is a key asset for almost any career students wish to pursue, from education, medicine and law to business, government, international affairs and travel and tourism.

Did You Know?

The U.S., where Spanish is spoken by over 41 million people, is officially the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world!


The RLL Spanish program commits to an interdisciplinary perspective, reflected in the opportunity to explore the Hispanic world through literature, films and works of art, and through history and cultural studies. We also encourage and offer opportunities for students to study abroad in a wide range of Spanish-speaking countries.

Undergraduate students (major or minor) may fulfill the UB Curriculum Global Pathway: Language and Culture Track in Spanish by starting at their current level of proficiency, from introductory to advanced intermediate (course names begin with SPA), and taking nine credit hours. The undergraduate program offers a full range of language classes and advanced coursework studying Hispanic culture and linguistics from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, from wherever Spanish is spoken. Graduate students may pursue a master's or doctoral degree in one of three concentrations: Spanish Peninsular or Spanish-American literature and culture, or in Hispano-Linguistics.

Hispanic and Romance Linguistics Faculty

Spanish American Literature and Culture Faculty

Spanish Peninsular Literature and Culture Faculty

  • Henry Berlin.

    911 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours

    Monday, Wednesday 10-10:50 am (in person); Tuesday 9-10 am (Zoom)

    Phone: (716) 645-2243

    Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Associate Professor of Spanish
    Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Scholarly Interests: History and theory of the emotions; Medieval rhetoric and poetics; Literature, philosophy and theology; Iberian Studies

    911 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours

    Monday, Wednesday 10-10:50 am (in person); Tuesday 9-10 am (Zoom)

    Phone: (716) 645-2243

  • David Castillo.

    929 Clemens Hall

    Phone: (716) 645-0869

    Professor of Spanish
    Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
    College of Arts and Sciences
    UB Center for Information Integrity

    Scholarly Interests: Inflationary Media and Disinformation; Cervantes; Early Modern Literature; Fantasy and Horror/Terror; Cultural Theory

  • Colleen Culleton.

    905 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours

    Tuesday 2-4 pm

    Phone: (716) 645-0861

    Associate Professor of Spanish
    Spanish Advisor
    Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Scholarly Interests: Modern Spanish and Catalan literature and culture; Ecocriticism; Spatial analysis; Theories of narrative

    905 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours

    Tuesday 2-4 pm

    Phone: (716) 645-0861

  • Melissa Mccarron.

    938 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours:

    Monday 1 - 2 pm;

    Tuesday 2:20 - 3:20 pm

    & by appointment

    Phone: (716) 645-1735

    Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish
    Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Teaching and Research Interests: Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP); Spanish for the Health Professions; Medical Spanish; Spanish for Pharmacy; community-engaged experiential learning; generative-AI applications in advanced pedagogical tool development; transdisciplinary approaches to language education; applied humanities; health humanities; proficiency-based language instruction; assessment methods in LSP domains; intersections between linguistic proficiency and culturally competent medical education in navigating social and structural determinants of health.

    938 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours:

    Monday 1 - 2 pm;

    Tuesday 2:20 - 3:20 pm

    & by appointment

    Phone: (716) 645-1735

  • Elizabeth Scarlett.

    913 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours: Tuesday 11 am - 1 pm & by appointment

    Phone: (716) 645-0873

    Professor of Spanish
    Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Scholarly Interests: Modern and Contemporary Spanish Peninsular Literature and Film; Romanticism; Realism; Avant garde movements; Feminism

    913 Clemens Hall

    Office Hours: Tuesday 11 am - 1 pm & by appointment

    Phone: (716) 645-0873