Every Spring the Department of Art's second year MFA Candidates mount solo exhibitions of their work, as part of their thesis project, in fulfillment of their program requirements. The 2025 Cohort's tour of these exhibition mirrors the title of their group theses catalogue, "Pitstop". Below are the details of these exhibitions, hosted off-campus, at galleries around the Buffalo region.
Poster designed by MFA Candidate Ligia Sato
H Boone
Misael Hernandez (Misael/Mis)
aidelen montoya
Kenny León Andino
Ligia Sato
Luke Williamson
Joel Mulindwa
Meagan Killian
Samuel Krakowski (Sam)
"Rebody" exhibition poster by H Boone.
"Dirty Laundry" exhibition poster by Kenny León Andino.
"Frontera de carácter (Frontier of Character)", exhibition poster by Misael Hernandez.
"Wanderer Phenomenon" exhibition poster by Ligia Sato.
"Finding Rest" exhibition poster by Joel Mulindwa.
"Serotonin Syndrome" exhibition poster by Sam Krakowski.
"Finding Rest" exhibition poster by Joel Mulindwa.