Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate courses in the Department of Economics include lecture, presentations, debates, discussions, research term papers, and exams to promote course outcomes such as critical thinking, analyzing disciplinary contents, identifying contexts and learning multiple modes of inquiry. 

Graduate-Level Coursework Options

Undergraduate students have the option of taking graduate-level courses for undergraduate or graduate credit. Please review the following guidelines:

Undergraduates Taking Graduate-Level Classes for Undergraduate Credit
There is no maximum number of graduate credits an undergraduate student can petition for to use toward their undergraduate degree. However, it is up to the discretion of the department and the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education to approve these credits. The credits cannot be used for both an undergraduate degree and graduate degree. 

To use a graduate course for undergraduate credit, an undergraduate student must:

  • Be a junior or senior and accepted into the major program. 
  • Hold a minimum 3.0 GPA in economics courses and overall.
  • Have no incomplete grades pending on their record.
  • Register for at least 12 undergraduate credits in addition to their graduate credits. 
  • Obtain permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies as well as the Director of the Master's Programs.
  • Submit a petition to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Please contact the TA for Undergraduate Support  to discuss the petition form Download pdf.

Undergraduates Taking Graduate-Level Classes for Graduate Credit
Undergraduate students can take up to eight (8) credit hours of master's-level work while an undergraduate to use toward a future graduate degree.* The credit that undergraduate students receive from graduate classes can only be used for graduate credit (unless  specified that it is being used toward undergraduate credit). The credits cannot be used for both a graduate degree and undergraduate degree. 

To use a graduate course for graduate credit, an undergraduate student must:

  • Be a junior or senior and accepted into the major program. 
  • Hold a minimum 3.0 GPA in economics courses and overall.
  • Have no incomplete grades pending on their record.
  • Register for at least 12 undergraduate credits in addition to their graduate credits. 
  • Obtain permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies as well as the Director of the Master's Programs.

*This does not apply to students in the BA/MA or BA/MS programs.