Richard Marinos


Richard Marinos.

Richard Marinos


Richard Marinos



biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, watershed science


PhD, Environment, Duke University - 2018

Research Interests

I am a biogeochemist who follows the movement of carbon, nitrogen and other elements through soils and the streams that drain them.  I am particularly interested in mechanisms of soil organic matter stabilization, mineral-organic associations, redox-sensitive processes, and hydrologically-integrated biogeochemical understanding. Using tools from ecology, hydrology and geochemistry, I examine these topics on scales ranging from the soil profile to large river basins. My first love is forests, but I am broadly interested in human-impacted ecosystems.

Course Offerings

Coming soon.

Current Students

Please contact Richard Marinos at for PhD or MS opportunities for Fall 2020.

Recent Publications

Marinos, R. E. and Bernhardt, E. S. (2018) Soil carbon losses due to higher pH offset vegetation gains due to calcium enrichment in an acid mitigation experiment. Ecology, 99: 2363-2373. doi:10.1002/ecy.2478

Marinos, R. E., Campbell, J. C., Driscoll, C. T., Likens, G. E., McDowell, W. H., Rosi, E. J., Rustad, L. E., and Bernhardt, E. S. (2018) Give and Take: Watershed acid remediation increases stormflow nitrogen export but increases baseflow in-stream nitrogen retention. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (22): 13155–13165. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b03553