Jessica Sullivan

Jessica Sullivan.

Concentration: Disability History | Religious History | Gender and Sexuality History | 19th Century United States


  • MA Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2022
  • BA History, Minor Business, Auburn University, 2021


Jessica Sullivan is currently a Ph.D. student in History at the University at Buffalo. She received her B.A. in History with a minor in Business at Auburn University in 2021, where she was awarded the Auburn University Undergraduate Fellowship and presented her research at both the Auburn University Symposium of Undergraduate Research in 2020 and 2021 and the Symposium for History Undergraduate Research at Mississippi State University in 2020. She then received her M.A. in Social Sciences at the University of Chicago in 2022. Her research focuses on the intersection of disability, gender and sexuality, and religious history in early 19th century United States. Mainly, she is interested in how social norms, social constructs, and shared assumptions influenced or created by 19th century Protestant religiosity targeted the surrounding disabled communities. 


Sullivan, Jessica, “Wray v. Wray: Public Perceptions of Women’s Health in the Antebellum Courtroom.” Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship (AUJUS). no. 10 (2021): 101.