Wan, Shu. “Integration of Chinese Subjects into the Transnational History of Basal Metabolism Studies in the Early 20th Century.” H-Net. 2019.
Wan, Shu. “Annetta T. Mills and the Origin of Deaf Education in China.” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 10 (1), 2021: 84–99.
Wan, Shu. “Phrenology.” Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, 2021.
Wan, Shu, “Do Iowa’s public libraries provide reliable online health information?”
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 33 (1), 2021: 60-61,
Wan, Shu. “The digital divide in public libraries' acquisition of electronic resources in Iowa.” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 32 (2), 2021: 141-145
Wan, Shu. “Not Only Reading but Also Watching, Playing, and Interacting with a Libguide.” Public Services Quarterly 17 (4) ,2021: 286–91.
Wan. Shu “Developing an Engati-Based Library Chatbot to Improve Reference Services.” In Innovation and Experiential Learning in Academic Libraries: Meeting the Needs of Today's Students, edited by Sarah Nagle and Elíasm Tzoc, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022.
Wan, Shu. “A Chinese Student’s Perspective on American Library School and Work.” Essay. In Learning in Action: Designing Successful Graduate Student Work Experiences in Academic Libraries, edited by Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Kim Duckett, and Sarah Morris. Chicago, IL: Association of College & Research Libraries, 2022.
Wan, Shu, “Which nationals use Sci-Hub mostly?” The Serials Librarian 83 (3-4), 228-232
Wan, Shu, “Introduction to Reviews in Digital Humanities,” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 35 (3), 237-238
Wan, Shu and Lin, Y, “Digital Divides inside Public Libraries: Statistical Evidence from Iowa,” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 35 (3), 232-234
Wan, Shu, “The Early Diffusion of Modern Western Sport to China,” in Fan Hong and Liu Li eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport in China. Routledge, 2023.
Wan, Shu, “Podcasting History as an Alternative Assignment,” Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, 2023
Wan, Shu, “Employing Perusall and Encouraging Peer Reviews in the History Classroom. The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 33 (1), 2023
Wan, Shu, “TikTok Asian History of Science,” Historical
Studies in the Natural Sciences, 54 (1), 115-117, 2024
Wan, Shu, “The Formation of the Deaf Community in China, 1887-1945,” Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal 18 (4), 2024
Wan, Shu, “After 1989: ‘Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars” and Chinese International Students Activism in America’, in International Student Activism and the Politics of Higher Education, New York, Lexington Books, 2024.
Wan, Shu, “The Door is a Mirror,” MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture, 2024.
Wan, Shu, Nourishing the Neighborhood with Chinese Food During the Covid Time
Wan, Shu. Review of Ng, Beng Yeong, Till the Break of Day: A History of Mental Health Services in Singapore, 1841-1993. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. May 2018.
Wan, Shu. Review of Yoo, Theo dore Jun, It's Madness: The Politics of Mental Health in Colonial Korea. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. May 2018.
Shu Wan. Review of Yang, Jie. Mental Health in China: Change, Tradition and Therapeutic Governance. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. July, 2018.
Wan, Shu. Review of Kim, Eunjung, Curative Violence: Rehabilitating Disability, Gender, and Sexuality in Modern Korea. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. September 2018.
Wan, Shu. Review of Adler, Jessica L., Burdens of War: Creating the United States Veterans Health System. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. October 2018.
Wan, Shu, Review of Humphrey Hawksley, Asian Waters: The Struggle over the South China Sea and the Strategy of Chinese Expansion, Global Maritime History, October 2018
Wan, Shu. Review of Guffey, Elizabeth, Designing Disability: Symbols, Space and Society. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. November 2018.
Wan, Shu. "Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology ed. by Jonathan Lazar & Michael Ashley Stein (review)." Human Rights Quarterly 40, No. 4 (2018): 1052-1054.
Wan, Shu. Review of Jay T. Dolmage’s Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability. Essays in History, March 2019,
Wan, Shu. Review of Hamraie, Aimi, Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability, H-Disability, H-Net Reviews. May 2019
Wan, Shu. "Fragile Families: Foster Care, Immigration, and Citizenship by Naomi Glenn-Levin Rodriguez (review)." Human Rights Quarterly 41, No. 3 (2019): 772-774.
Wan, Shu, Review of Elizabeth Baum, The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and The Insane in Modern China. H-Disability, H-Net Reviews.
Wan, Shu, Review of Gerald V. O'Brien, Contagion and the National Body: The Organism Metaphor in American Thought, H-Disability, H-Net Reviews.
Wan, Shu. “Serazio, Michael. The Power of Sports: Media and Spectacle in American Culture. New York up, 2019. 400 Pp. $35.00 Paper.” The Journal of Popular Culture 54, no. 4 (2021): 900–902.
Wan, Shu. Book review of Takayanagi, T., 2020. Informal learning and literacy among Maasai women: Education, emancipation and empowerment. Journal of Information Literacy, 15, n. 3, (2021), 175-176,
Wan, Shu. “Review of Christianity and the Transformation of Physical Education and Sport in China.” Reading Religion, March 21, 2022.
Wan, Shu, “Marina Umaschi Bers, beyond Coding: How Children Learn Human Values through Programming. MIT Press, 2022.” Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies
Wan, Shu. “Race and Radio: Pioneering Black Broadcasters in New Orleans, Bala James Baptist, 2019 Jackson, University Press of Mississippi Pp. XIV + 152, $35 (Paper).” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 44, no. 1 (July 10, 2023): 214–15.
Wan, Shu. Review of “Mastery of Words and Swords: Negotiating Intellectual Masculinities in Modern China, 1890s–1930s.” IIAS. 2023
Wan, Shu. Review of The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Public, by Shaohua Guo. Information & Culture 58, no. 3 (2023): 321-322.
Wan, Shu. “Modern Sports in Asia: Cultural Perspective, Edited by Yonghan Cho and Charles Leary, London, Routledge, 2016, 126 Pp., £35.09 (Ebook), ISBN 9781315742526.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 40, no. 10–11 (September 2, 2023): 1039–40
Wan, Shu. “Book Review: Menace to Empire: Anti‐colonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the U.S. Security State, by Moon‐Hojung. University of California Press, Berkeley, Berkeley. 2022. 368 Pp. $29.95 Cloth. ISBN: 9780520397873.” Sociological Inquiry 94, no. 2 (October 19, 2023): 516–17.
Wan, Shu Review of McLeod, Alexus, The Dao of Madness: Mental Illness and Self-Cultivation in Early Chinese Philosophy and Medicine. H-Sci-Med-Tech, H-Net Reviews. November 2023.
Liu, Jingru, and Wan, Shu “From Memory to History: Television Versions of the Twentieth Century by Jimcullen, Rutgers U.P.2021. 255 Pp. $31.95 Paper.” The Journal of Popular Culture 57, no. 1 (December 12, 2023): 36–37.
Wan, Shu, “Embracing Place-Based Community Engagement within International Education: Review of Place-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education: A Strategy to Transform Universities and Communities,” GSLR: Recentering, Reprioritizing, and Reengaging a Sense of Community within International Education, 2024.
Wan, Shu. “Ideology and Libraries: California, Diplomacy, and Occupied Japan, 1945–1952.” Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, April 10, 2024.
Wan, Shu, “Review of Williamson, Bess; Guffey, Elizabeth, eds, Making Disability Modern: Design Histories.” H-Material-Culture, H-Net Reviews. February 2024.
Wan, Shu, “Reaching a Different, Shared Audience,” American Historical Association, January 2025.
Wan, Shu, “An International Library Student's Perspective on Remote Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Hack Library School, November 2020.
Wan, Shu, “Documenting the Chinese Student Experience at an American College during the Pandemic.” Hack Library School, November 2020.
Wan, Shu, “Working from Home.” Metadata Blog, 2020,
Wan, Shu, “Uninvited Guests, or Zoom Bombing the Oral History Interview,” September 2020. Oral History Organization.
Cooper, Heather. & Wan, Shu & Sonntag, Heather. (2021) “Digital Projects on Gender, Race, and the Environment”, MAC Newsletter 48(4), 15-17.
Wan, Shu, "Cataloging 'Asian Flu' is Creating Racial Knowledge," Social Responsibility Round Table Newsletter, September 2021
Wan, Shu, "The Use of Libguide in Struggling against Pandemic and Racism in Iowa," Social Responsibility Round Table Newsletter, June 2021
Wan, Shu, “Do Iowa’s Public Libraries Provide Reliable Online Health Information?” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 33, no. 1 (2021): 60–61.
Wan, Shu, “When Returning to Campus, I Realized I Miss Virtual Courses.” Hybrid Pedagogy. Hybrid Pedagogy, October 2021.
Wan, Shu, “Is the Age of Empires II an Age of Exploiting Nature, Too?” Historical Games Network, August 2022.
Wan, Shu, “Teaching Asia through Touching Archives.” TPS Collective.
Wan, Shu, “The Chinese in the Prairie: Chinese Iowans’ Reactions to the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Routed Magazine, 2024,
Wan, Shu, “Gamifying History Instruction.” AHA Daily Perspective, July 3, 2024.
Wan, Shu, “Teaching the History of Chinese Western New York beyond the Classroom.” Clio and the Contemporary, October 6, 2023.
Wan, Shu, “Preparing Bilingual LibGuides for International Students at the University of Iowa Libraries." Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section Newsletter, June 2020
Wan, Shu, “An Introduction to the Archival Manuscripts Collection of Chinese Writers, University Libraries: The University of Iowa,” April 8, 2020.
Wan, Shu, “Sharing the Pandemic Experiences of Asian Buffalonians in the History Classroom.” IEHS Online, February, 2023
Wan, Shu, “Academic Freedom on Fire from Chinese Censorship. ” Academe Blog, 2022.
Wan, Shu, “Opinion: Iowan Products and Chinese Consumers: A First-Hand Perspective.” The Daily Iowan.
Wan, Shu, “Opinion: Iowa Communities Benefit from More Chinese Art.” The Daily Iowan.
Wan, Shu, “Databases and American Migration History Studies”(《数据库与美国移民史研究》), The China Journal of American History(《美国史研究通讯》), Vol. 112, No.1 (2014), 57-66.
Wan, Shu, “Book Review: Alan Taylor, Internal Enemy: War and Slavery in Virginia, 1772-1832” (《評艾倫‧泰勒的新著《內敵:維吉尼亞的戰爭與奴隸制,1772-1832》Collections of History NCCU(《政大史粹》), Vol.26(2014), 131-134.
Wan, Shu, “Archeology and Collingwood’s Historical Philosophy” (《考古学经验与柯林武德历史哲学思想的构建》), The World Historical Reviews (《世界历史评论》), Vol. 4 (2016), 146-157.
Wan, Shu, “Medical History or History of Physical and Mental Disorders? --Review of The Cost of War: Rehabilitation and America in World War I.” (《医疗史还是身心障碍史?——评《战争之费:康复治疗与一战中的美国》), Studies in the Social History of Medicine 《医疗社会史研究》)3. 01, (2018): 213-225.
Wan, Shu, “Review of The Mortal Sea: Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail”((《海洋史研究的佳作——评<死亡之海:航海时代大西洋的渔业>》)), Maritime Civilization Reviews (《洋文明研究》), Vol. 1 (2016), 182-185.
Wan, Shu, “Book Review: Andrew Shryock and Daniel Lord Smail ed., Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present, Berkeley, Los Angle and London: University of California University Press, 2011 (《何以深历史:〈深历史:过去和现在的构筑〉读后》), The World Historical Reviews (《世界历史评论》),No.1(2018)
Wan, Shu, “Book Review:Battle of the Noses, A Taste of Siege: A Sensory History of the American Civil War“ (《(鼻尖之战,围城滋味:一部美国内战的感觉史》), The World Historical Reviews (《世界历史评论》),No.1(2018) No. 2, 2018
Wan, Shu, “Review of Grandin's Necessary Empire: Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World,” Global History Review (评葛兰丁《必要的帝国:新世界的奴隶制、自由和欺骗》."《全球史评论》), 02 (2018): 278-282.
Wan, Shu, “What Role Should the Middle Class Play?”(《中产阶级应扮演怎样的角色?》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), December, 2015.
Wan, Shu, “Between West and East: Reappraisal of Recent Historiography”(《中西之间:对史学现状的反思》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), July, 2015.
Wan, Shu, “Death as Business and the Formation of the Modern United States?” (《“死亡的事业”如何造就了美国》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), September, 2015.
Wan, Shu, “Smog and Haze;No One Exempted from the Curse”《雾霾面前,只有“同呼吸,共命运》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), April 20, 2016.
Wan, Shu, “Racism: Reality or Myth?” (《种族歧视:真实的存在,还是受迫害的想象 》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), July 13, 2016.
Wan, Shu, “Wang Mingke’s New History: From ‘Paradigmatic History’ to ‘Self-reflective History’”(《王明珂的“新史学”:从“典范史学”到“反思史学” 》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), August 3, 2016.
Wan, Shu, “Cultural Hybridity Shapes the Present and Affects the Past”(《文化杂交:塑造今天的我们,影响我们的过去》) , Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), September 2016 .
Wan, Shu, “Protestant and the formation of the American Democracy”(《清教怎样塑造了美国的民主》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), October 19, 2016.
Wan, Shu, “What is the BIG History and why I Promote It?” (《何谓“大历史”? 为何提倡“大历史”?》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), October 26, 2016.
Wan, Shu, “Production of Imperialist Knowledge.” (《帝国主义的知识生产》), Chinese Reading Weekly (《中华读书报》), August 09, 2017.
Wan, Shu, "Chinese Americans: the ‘Second-class Citizens’ to the ‘Model Minority’"(《华裔美国人:如何从“低人一等”变成“模范少数族裔》), Ethnic Education in China (《中国民族教育》), No. 1, 2016,78-79.
Wan, Shu, “From Bias to “Bias”: Reappraisal of the History of Chinese American Education” 《从歧视到“歧视”:对于美国华裔教育史的回顾和省思》, Ethnic Education in China(《中国民族教育》), No. 5, 2016,75-77.
Wan, Shu, “Swing around Coercion and Freedom”《强制与自由之间的钟摆运动》, Ethnic Education in China (《中国民族教育》), No. 6 (2016), 77-79.
Wan, Shu, “English or Dual-Language? A History of Bilingual Education in the United States” (《英语还是双语? —双语教育的美国历程》), Ethnic Education in China (《中国民族教育》), No. 9(2016), 78-80.
Wan, Shu, "Chinese Americans’ Promotion from the ‘Second-class Citizens’ to the ‘Model Minority’” (《华裔美国人如何从“低人一等”变成“模范少数族裔”》), The Paper (澎湃新闻), November 05, 2015, (
Wan, Shu, “General Tso’s Chicken, Californian Beef Noodle King and Panda Express… the Origin of the Chinese American Cuisine”(《左宗棠鸡、加州牛肉面、熊猫快餐…美式中餐是怎么来的》), The Paper (澎湃新闻), January 18, 2016
Wan, Shu, “Freak Shows in the United States: Disability Became Horror” (《美国畸形秀:身心障碍为何成了”恐怖故事”》), The Paper (澎湃新闻), January 26, 2016