Anthony Malloni (second from right) in Alcalá de Henares, Spain
This summer, I participated in the Stony Brook study abroad program at the University of Alcaláin Spain. This program did a stellar job of immersing you in the Spanish culture/lifestyle. To actually live in a Spanish household makes you engage in conversation (especially when your host mom doesn’t speak English). The quaint city of Alcalá de Henares couldn’t have been a more perfect destination to be abroad. The locals were so gracious, getting around the city was a breeze, and you couldn’t escape the tapas bars!
The university was located near the central plaza where all the locals gathered. Taking Spanish history classes that were taught by native professors was worth the trip alone. Then, taking class trips where those professors were the guides was phenomenal. I can’t stress how rewarding it was to have the first-hand approach to explore Madrid and witness the history that we were learning about in class. Overall, the program accomplished introducing me into a new country while strengthening my knowledge of the Spanish language.
– Anthony Malloni