Research Mentors

Experiential Learning: Physics Beyond the Classroom

Hands-on research experience for undergraduates is valued highly in the department (read a case story in the newsletter Interactions 6). Many members of the physics faculty invite exceptional undergraduate students to join in their research initiatives. Some research activities may lead to part-time employment during the academic year, or full-time employment during the summer months.

Interested students should:

Experimental Research Mentors

Theoretical Research Mentors

Project Portal

Start a project to build skills and gain real-world experience for your career. The Experiential Learning Network's Project Portal is the easiest place to get started! Once you start a project, you can also pursue an ELN Digital Badge to display your accomplishments to future employers and graduate schools. 

  • Research at the Large Hadron Collider
    Learn what nature looks like at 10^-20 meters and study the Higgs boson, dark matter, and other huge questions about our universe.
  • Materials for Next Generation Electronics
    Are you interested in learning the quantum mechanical behaviors of electrons and spins in two-dimensional materials? Join our team to create these materials and explore their exotic properties with potential for quantum applications. 
  • Theoretical Physics
    Seeking students to work with Prof Surajit Sen on fundamental and applied problems in nonlinear and statistical physics, study of conflicts and battles, social systems and other topics to be crafted based on overlap of interest.