Social Media

While social media is ubiquitous, it also requires strategy and effort. The College of Arts and Sciences' Marketing and Communications Team can assist you in establishing a social presence, developing a plan and staying connected to your audiences.

How do I become an official UB account?

All social media accounts that speak on behalf of the University at Buffalo, represent a university unit or department or are administered or managed by university personnel to conduct official business are considered official UB accounts. 

All official UB social media accounts must:

  1. Have on file or submit to the College's Marketing and Communications Office team a completed social media account strategy.
  2. Reference UB’s Comments Guidelines either on their account or website, as appropriate.
  3. Be in compliance with UB’s Social Media Profile Guidelines and Account Expectations.

How do I manage my existing account?

All administrators (including account owners and/or account managers) for accounts that fall under the College of Arts and Sciences are expected to coordinate with their Unit Social Media Lead on overall strategy, issues management and participation/collaboration in university initiatives.

All account administrators must:

  1. Provide their Unit Social Media Lead with an up-to-date name and contact information of the dedicated account owner.
    • Students cannot be account owners.
    • Account owners should also designate a back-up, as appropriate.
  2. Provide their Unit Social Media Lead with all login credentials.
  3. Delete or decommission accounts that are inactive or no longer needed/utilized.

If you are an existing social media account manager and have not yet connected with your Unit Social Media Lead, please notify us by emailing so we can assist and share important updates with you.

Resources for social media account managers

Guidelines and best practices

Guidelines are the foundation of any successful social media landscape. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the university's social media guidelines on the UB Social website.

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